Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Happy Spring

Hello Gentle Readers. As I write this post, a light breeze brushes small pink buds on the Ornamental Pear Tree in the front yard. In the backyard, the tiniest of purple lilac buds are visible. Yesterday I saw a few wild violets blooming in a yard. These flowers are two and maybe three weeks earlier than in previous years. As the old song goes, "the times, they are a changing."

Wednesday is the day to link with Kat and other Unravelers.  In making news, the infamous sweater is finished and drying on the blocking mats. I had a little trouble counting decrease intervals and so did some re-knitting on the second sleeve. Such is the life of a knitter listening to an audiobooks. 

I'm back to working on the Sophie Shawl. It's a peaceful garter stitch knit. When I get to midpoint of the mohair yarn, I begin the decreases.  I finished the appliqué on the table runner. Perhaps in honor of the eclipse, although I didn't plan it that way, I added a little outline stitch (dark rose color) around the full moon. It doesn't show very well in a photo. The pattern doesn't call for any embroidery so I'm creating as I stitch. 

As for reading, I'm listening to Emma by Jane Austen via the CraftLit podcast. Continuing with a light reading theme from the last post, I'm reading a book my sister loaned me, A Bakery in Paris by Aimie K. Runyan. This is a novel of historical fiction with two storylines taking place in 1870 and 1946. Recipes for French pastries are a nice bonus in this story of two women faced with hard choices. 

Last Friday, I spent a glorious hour and a half weeding garden beds. The sun on my back and the smell of dirt and green plants is refreshing after a long winter.  This time of the year weeding doesn't seem like a chore. I plan to enjoy the feeling for as long as it lasts because come July it won't be so much fun. This week promises beautiful cool spring days perfect for being outdoors.  

Happy Spring.

Ravelry Link

Sophie Shawl


  1. Just the other day I noticed we have some tiny lilac buds on our plant. And our redbud is budded - it will open soon. It's fun to see everything opening up after the winter. I love the shade of your Sophie Shawl - very soothing. And your runner!!! Love it.

  2. Lilacs already! Wow! Our wild violets are all over the yard, but no sign of lilacs—yet.
    I listened to Emma a few years ago for Mary’s Summer Book Bingo. (It was for “title is someone’s name” category.) I had a mixed response—from ‘charmed and entertained’ to feeling ‘easily distracted.’ I think it says more about me/the moment I was in than it does about the book…
    How fun that your table runner coincided with the eclipse!

  3. Everything is blooming here -- and the weeds are going crazy! I've been pulling them out a few handfuls at a time, but I need some good weather to get out on a weekend and really get at them. I am also listening to Emma via Craftlit; so far, I'm not terribly impressed with the narrator, but I suppose that's because I'm comparing it to the Juliet Stevenson version, which I listened to several years back. Can't wait to see your finished sweater!

  4. Spring has arrived, in your posts and in our weather, too! Several very warm days have everything in blossom here. I carried all my winter-weary indoor plants out to the front porch today, gave them a good bath and watering, and settled them into their spring and summer home. I still need to get some fuchsias, so there is some plant shopping to look forward to! I need to follow your example and get to some weeding before it's totally out of control.

  5. I remember how absolutely lovely springtime in Nebraska is! I started working out in the yard this afternoon as well - dealing with weeds in the garden just like you. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week. See you again soon!

  6. Maybe next week will be the week of the big reveal, we are all looking forward to that
    Your shawl has such a light and airy look about it, a perfect weight and colour for cool spring days. And descriptions of your awakening garden are going to keep me going as mine slows down.

  7. I also love the springtime gardening... it is just such a treat after a long winter! I recently read somewhere that the "smell of the dirt" releases serotonin into our system... so it seems to me that the earth likes spending time with us as well!

  8. I've been trying to get a jump start on the weeding in my garden beds, too, Jane! It really is easier right now -- when the ground is moist and the weeds are less plentiful (although persistent, as always). Plus, like you, my attitude is one of eagerness and not dread at this point - which helps! I hope you continue enjoying a lovely spring season.

  9. Your shawl perfectly matches the shift to spring, and I am rejoicing that we are starting to see signs of spring here, too!

  10. when I was young I thought garter stitch was not great looking, now at my age I love it more and more and how comforting it is to knit. We have signs of spring and I am all for it.

  11. Such a soft pretty color of yarn you are using for your shawl…. it’s going to be beautiful when it’s finished. Thank you for mentioning CraftLit… I always forget about that!

  12. Your shawl is so delicate and feminine! Can't wait to see your sweater. I tried to do some weeding today but the backyard is still so wet from the rain this week I was pulling plants out along with weeds. I'll work on it this week maybe.
