Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Early May

Hello Gentle Readers. Monday evening another thunderstorm brought rain and a tornado watch with no actual funnel clouds. The ground in our yard is still damp and almost muddy in places and it's been a long time since that has happened. I wonder if the drought cycle is shifting toward more moisture. 

The early purple iris bloom while the hybrid stalks have buds. Irises always remind me of my Gram. She grew some beautiful ones in her yard. This week promises lovely May weather, sunshine and temperatures in the seventies. I hope to get my tomatoes planted toward the end of the week. 

Kat is back from her vacation and hosting Unraveled Wednesday. Thank you Kat for hosting this link-up. It feels good to be back in a more regular routine, including a post for Unraveled Wednesday. The Sophie Shawl is finished and she is a beauty. The piece didn't need blocking. I just wove in the ends and took a photo. Years ago when I first started knitting, I thought garter stitch was a little clunky but all of the beautiful shawl patterns changed my mind. 

I also finished the shorty socks, knitting one toe while we huddled in the basement during the last severe storm. As Elizabeth Zimmerman says, "knit on through any crisis." That was also the day of my oral surgery and I was glad I was home before the storm came through. What a day. I tried a shadow-wrap short row heel on these socks. It was fun to knit and looks great although I don't think it fits my foot as well as the heel flap and gusset. I'll wear them and decide. 

I cast on a hat combining commercial yarn for the background and some handspun shetland. The color combination is subtle but I like it and of course, it has a nice blue background. I'm going to have enough handspun for another project or projects. 

I've been stitching on a table runner that I showed awhile back. I finished the appliqué and embroidery and am now quilting it by hand. Here are a few photos of some of the stitching. I used a hoop for embroidery but gave it up for the quilting. 

I am reading The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Daré. The story takes place in Nigeria and is written in a dialect of the main character. I'm not sure how I feel about the use of dialect but I understand why the author chose to use it. At times, it adds a bit of humor to bleak circumstances and makes the voice and age of the main character feel more real. In spite of incredible hardship and cruelty she experiences, this young woman will not be silenced. She is courageous. 

I am rereading The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray because it is this month's selection by my local group. The novel follows Belle da Costa Greene, the private librarian of J.P. Morgan. She is instrumental in accumulating the manuscripts, books, and art that become the Morgan Library in NYC. No doubt the portrayal of power balance between an older wealthy man and a beautiful bright young woman and how she manages this will be a point of our discussion. To me, the most remarkable thing about the novel is the way the two authors worked together. Don't miss the authors' notes at the end of the hard copy. 

I'm going to drink the rest of my coffee on the deck and do my best to enjoy this beautiful May day. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and daughters who nurture others.  

Ravelry Links

Sophie Shawl

 Shorty Socks

Juniper Hat


  1. What a pretty Sophie Shawl and I love your shortie socks. I'm going to start a new pair of shorties for a friend. I think we are in for more rain - either later today or tonight and tomorrow. Glad you are safe from those terrifying storms!

  2. I can tell that your Sophie Shawl feels soft and fluffy just by looking at it! And the socks are a lot of fun. I've knit enough heels over the years to know that I prefer a flap and gusset (or another construction that allows for a high instep), but it's always fun to learn a new technique.

    We had some pretty wild storms overnight, and apparently a tornado touched down in the panhandle of West Virginia not too far south of us. There was a lot of lightning and thunder at 2 a.m., but thankfully the only lasting impact here is a lot of tree branches and other debris on the ground.

  3. I'm glad that you've been receiving plenty of rain, but not for the strong storms and tornadoes. Your Sophie is simply beautiful and I bet you'll also appreciate its warmth in the fall. Your socks look very nice, too. I'm almost to the toe on a pair of shorty socks and I'm amazed at how fast they are! Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day, Jane

  4. Love your Sophie Scarf Jane, and I feel the same way about the Shadow Wrap heel…. It was fun to learn something new but will stick with my slip stitch heel. Stay safe with all the storms, it’s been a bad few weeks for tornadoes.

  5. What a gorgeous Sophie Shawl, Jane! The storms this spring have been so violent... so much of America has been devastated by storms. I am ever so glad that you were safe and sound (EZ was so right about knitting!)

  6. Your Sophie Shawl has moved that project to the top of my list (for winter); it's beautiful, Jane! and I agree about garter stitch "growing on" me. I have to pay a bit of attention when I knit it and that makes it meditative - I just can't let my mind wander all over the place. LOVE your moon phases - the embroidery and the quilting are coming together to make a piece that's all YOU!

  7. I love those shorty socks. Learning to knit is on my retirement bucket list! I recently picked up The Girls With the Louding Voice at a thrift store. I haven't read it yet, so I will be interested to know what you think. So glad you didn't have any tornadoes. We had snow and rain the last week. I am ready for warmer weather, but in the heat of the summer, I am sure I will wish for cooler weather again. I hope you have a good weekend and a very Happy Mother's Day. See you again soon!

  8. I am loving that moon phase project. I have had The Girl with a Louding Voice on my list for a while too. Might need to move it up

  9. The socks are so cute. I like the yellow contrast color. I use the shadow wrap heel quite a bit when making socks for me. I was afraid it would not wear as well, but so far so good. Your Sophie shawl is so pretty and feminine. I bet you will wear it a lot. It must have been awful hunkering down in the basement waiting for the storms to pass. So glad you are safe.

  10. When someone says they spent time in their cellar/basement riding out a storm you can be assured it wasn’t just a little bit of thunder & lightning….thank goodness for the portable crafts - knitting especially. They have a way of calming the mind.
    Talking of calm, your Sophie shawl has a beautiful calm look about it. Very feminine in appearance.

  11. beautiful socks and the stitching on the runner is coming along nicely.
