Friday, May 3, 2024

TGIF 5.3.24

Hello Gentle Readers. It's Friday and a day for gratitude. The sun shines, the bright yellow goldfinches flit in and out of the neighbor's apple tree. A week ago a fierce storm brought funnel clouds and thunderstorms to our area. Thank you to those who sent messages asking after us. We had no damage as the tornadoes touched down on the north and east side of the county but others were not so fortunate.  

Today I am thinking about my garden beds. Some plants in the pollinator garden didn't make it through the winter. I am tickled that this Flax is blooming and thriving. I love the flowers and have tried to grow them from seed with no success. Last year, this plant came from a local nursery and it looks great. I am also going to change the layout of my tomatoes, cucumbers, and zinnias. 

I am mighty grateful for medical care I have received the last few weeks. Many in this country don't have access to such good care. Last Friday I had an oral surgery procedure and am recovering this week. The procedure went well and the pain has been manageable. I'm taking it easy as my mouth heals. Anne Cleeves' Vera Stanhope has kept me in easy reading when I felt like reading. I am also grateful for the less damaging rain that fell all of last weekend and into this week. 

I am inspired by the slow stitching of Katherine, k3n cloth tales on youtube. She's been good company this quiet rainy week.  I appreciate her emphasis on using materials on hand and on the meditative process of stitching. Her approach is thoughtful not messy and she is generous with her time and talent. I'd like to follow one of her tutorials to make a fabric pouch, incorporating some old quilt blocks, made by the mother of a former colleague.

Fun this week came in the form of a little Mother's Day gift from my daughter. She sent me this bit of garden whimsy to provide drinking water for the bees. This wooden platform supports tiny porcelain cups that hold water. They are fired to a high high temperature so they are light safe and won't fade. They also do not leach chemicals into the soil and contain zero plastics. They are available from There is an internet business for everyone it seems. 

Take care readers and have a nice weekend. 


  1. I have had oral surgery several times, so I know what an ordeal that can be and how frustrating it is to not be able to eat or drink normally. I hope you are healing well and am glad you aren't in too much pain. I do love the bee cups -- what a thoughtful gift!

  2. Those flax flowers are the most beautiful shade of blue! I am glad that you have not been in the path of tornadoes; they were large, frequent, and scary. The bee cups are intriguing. The neighbor two doors down has just started raising bees and has six hives on his garage roof. I may need a bee cup so his bees can come over to pollinate and get a drink.

  3. I am happy that you are on the mend. I am planning to make one of those pouches with K3n too. Her step by step tutorials are very good.

  4. The bee cups are great...I'm thinking they would make a fun gift for C&M. Colin has talked about raising bees...So glad you and your hubby were safe in those terrifying and awful storms. And, good to hear your oral surgery went well and you are on the mend. Hoping your weekend is a restful and peaceful one. Your stitching project sounds like fun!

    1. Ooppps...forgot my name again...

  5. That’s a load off people’s minds that you weren’t in the ‘line of fire’ but not good for those that were. Hopefully your state government has some relief plans in place.
    I had a little look at the YouTube channel of the crafter you mentioned - love her slow stitching videos. Such an easy to understand person, down to earth, not complicated like some are. Thanks for the introduction

  6. Juliann introduced me to k3n and I'm delighted to see she's inspiring you, too! Glad you're recovering ok from your oral surgery; Vera (and maybe some slow stitching) are excellent company.

  7. I hope your weather was better this week! Hoping your recovery is going along as it should Can't wait to see your flowers this year. I'm excited about flowers here...we have to wait till frost is over end of May or so. Have a good week.

  8. Hi Jane. So glad that you are healing up from your oral surgery. The bee-cup is a lovely thoughtful gift, both for you and for the bees in your garden! I was thinking about you when we heard about the tornadoes in Nebraska. I hope you didn't have any damage. Spring weather can be crazy. Yesterday was warm and sunny and we have snow on the ground today. Go figure. Have a good week. See you again soon!

  9. praying for your mouth and its healing. Lovely post and that Mother's day gift is so cute and imaginative.

  10. I hope your weekend was peaceful and full of healing rest, Jane! I'm doing a lot of "assessment" out in my garden, now that spring is truly here. It's always interesting to see what made it through the winter -- and what didn't! I love the bee cups. What a perfect gift! Enjoy the week. XO

  11. Oh dear, Jane! I hope your are now healed from your oral surgery! Thank you for the link to the slow stitcher! Fascinating! (lots to while away time with there!) But your bee cups are just adorable! What a perfect gift!
