Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A Gentle Season

The Winter Solstice approaches. Since the snow and ice have melted, I walk later in the day, often around 4:30 p.m. As the sun sets, the sky changes colors and holiday lights come on around the neighborhood. The gentle shift between light and dark is magical.

Late Autumn*

November's end and from bare limbs
small birds keep me company.
Complex structures of hollow bone,
feathers for warmth and flight.

Winter goldfinch waits to feed.
Chickadee flits by on tiny wing.
Downy propels his body up the tree.
Juncos etch colors of the heart.

Red-breasted nuthatches arrive.
Scribes with inky black heads
tell a story common to the 
forest, now set on the prairie.

The pair records the
first December light.
Calligraphers of a journey,
gentle words for a season. 

*Copyright Jane A. Wolfe, December 2018

However you celebrate this season, I wish you peace, joy, love, and light.  As is my Wednesday custom, I link with Kat and the Unravelers


  1. Love your poem! Wishing you a beautiful Holiday Season as well. enjoy your walk. I'm hoping to get out next week for some walks while I am off work.

  2. Your posts always usher me to a place of peace, and your exquisite poetry does the same. Wishing you peace, love, and contentment during this holiday season and throughout 2019.

  3. ^^ this! So much this, Jane! Your poem is beautiful and most fitting! Thank you for 'taking us along' on your walk!

    And, I wish you the Merriest Christmas! Blessings to you and your family!

  4. I assume you are the Jane who penned the poem. It is just beautiful!

  5. Jane! I love your poetry! So illustrative. So inviting. So peaceful. Thank you! Thank you! Best wishes to you and your family for the holiday, too!

  6. Yes the Solstice is upon us! Peace to yoU!

  7. beautiful poem Jane!! Gentle and lovely :) I'm easing into the approaching season and trying to not be stressed out.
