Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Comfort and Joy

Here we are on this bright crisp December day in the midst of another holiday season. The nativity set, complete with two Josephs, is in its familiar place on the mantle. Lance and the kids gave me two pieces each Christmas for several years. For some reason, he and my son picked out the second Joseph thinking it was one of the three wisemen. Eventually, my son-in-law and daughter located the missing wise man on eBay and gave it to me. This old Hallmark set brings me comfort and joy. I love looking at it and remembering the young sweet faces of our son and daughter. Now they nurture their own families through the season. I hung our stockings and finished up with my minimalist decorating which means putting out a few favorites, enough to make the house feel like Christmas. 

My daughter, the boys, and I are reading Christmas stories via FaceTime. It is fun to watch their choices change day to day and year to year. Jonah usually wants to read "one more book" and I am happy to oblige. This season he loves the reindeer and rhythm in The Night Before Christmas. The book is easy to read via FaceTime because it has one illustration per page. Familiar text is a bonus. I have become quite adept at juggling a book and a cell phone while reading. The fingerless mitts were a hit with all the boys. Jonah wore his to church and showed them to everyone who would listen, "Nebraska, my Grammy." He likes red.

Last night I knit the heel flap and turn on the first Christmas sock. The blue faced leicester and nylon yarn is going to make a wooly sturdy sock. I chose an eye of partridge heel flap to go with the exuberant yarn. This week I heeded the good advice of blog friends to knit more of the shawl before starting over with another pattern. I discovered I really like the yarn/pattern combination. Experience has taught me that ripping out projects at 10:00 p.m. is not a good idea. Now I'm adding the "knit a little more" idea to my bag of knitting tricks. Shawls are truly my comfort knitting through any season and the subtle texture changes keep this project interesting. On these early dark evenings with tea in a Christmas mug, I knit on the shawl. Yesterday I wound the second skein. The shawl is growing.

I came upon Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer at the library. Maya Angelou's work is a treasure. This is a small book to be savored - one thoughtful poem at a time. I also pulled a copy of her book, Amazing Peace: A Christmas Poem from my shelf. This book was a gift from my son quite a few years ago. The ribbon book mark was on the package with a small card. Either of these books would be a lovely gift for a reader. Comfort reading to be sure.

As I link with Kat and the Unravelers, I wish you the comfort and joy this season.


  1. What a lovely post, Jane! I love the story of The Two Josephs. It must be a wonderful memory -- every time you unpack the nativity figures! Enjoy these days of waiting . . . before Christmas. XO

  2. Wonderful Jane! I thoroughly enjoyed every word and the Christmas reading via FaceTime, what a treat! How old is Jonah? I think what I love about the holidays most: the memories and warm emotions evoked. I can just imagine you, holding your two Joseph's in hand and feeling the memories...and thank you for refreshing my memory about Maya Angelou's books. I miss her!

  3. I love your nativity with two Josephs. For a few years our nativity had a pterodactyl on the roof (from the boys' dinosaur phase) and a holy raccoon that Justin insisted on. My mother thought it was a bit sacrilegious, but I still include the holy raccoon.

    Kym's advice of "knit a little more" has never led me astray, and I'm glad your shawl is working out. With more fabric I can really see how lovely it is and am glad you're continuing.

    Your words evoke plenty of comfort and joy and I wish the same for you!

  4. The shawl is coming along and it looks lovely and the sock looks great - love that yarn. Also love your 2 Josephs and the story to go with. Your grandson is adorable and looks so happy with his mitts on!

  5. Two Josephs. Well THere's the JOseph with the old Testament, and Joseph in the NEw I think you are well represented.
    OH THOSE SOCks are awesome because I love the white cuff and heel to set it off a bit

  6. what would we do without facetime? Awesome that you are in the loop with the grands. I have read many Maya books but not that one. I love the way she writes gently. Your sock and shawl are both gorgeous!

  7. I love the two-Joseph's story! It is those kind of memories that make Christmas more special! And, your grandson is just adorable (especially in his Grammy-made mitts!)

  8. What a lovely post.
    Seeing your grandson in his cherished mitts made me smile.
    Thank you for mentioning the Maya Angelou books as I have been meaning to read them and needed the reminder.
    Your socks look brilliant!
