Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Mid- March

Oh March, she is a tease. After a string of warm sunny days, the temperature dropped and the wind blew in sheets of rain. The bright side is rain doesn't have to be scooped and the yards are turning green. This week the maples sport the red fringe that comes before leaves. Even if it is 34 degrees and damp, the year turns toward Spring. Today is gray, damp with no rain in the forecast. After I put some soup in the crockpot, I plan to layer up for a walk in the wind and dripping trees. I'd love to have some children with me to jump in the puddles. 

In the meantime, the knitting continues. I almost skipped posting with Kat and the Unravelers because I have been working mostly on the Habitation Throw and it doesn't look much different than the last time I posted. That is how my knitting goes. One does have to work on a project in order to finish it. Ha! I'm enjoying having it on my lap these chilly evenings. I wonder whether the leftover yarns will stretch to the end of the blanket or if I will need to break into a new skein. If I were to knit this pattern again I would make a two stitch edge and skip the i-cord edging. I am trying to knit it loosely but I have the feeling it's going to restrict the size of the throw. This is the second time I've tried i-cord edging and not been crazy about it. Do you have any thoughts about i-cord edging?

I did figure out the mistake in the spine of the red shawl but haven't knit on it this week. I cast on fingerless mitts in order to have a small non-garter stitch project. Once upon a pandemic, I ordered a few skeins of yarn and one of them was this sport weight from Luna Grey Fiber Arts. This Indie Dyer hails from Colorado which is somewhat local to me. I have also wanted to try this yarn. The Nova Sport is non-superwash merino and it has a nice hand. The yardage in the skein is generous. I can also report that it holds up well to frogging and re-knitting. I knit the cuff from two other patterns for mitts before settling on the Biblioglove pattern on size four needles. My daughter sent the pieces of beach glass to me for Valentines' Day. 

As for reading, I am listening to The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. The narrator is excellent. This young adult book is not an easy story but it is important. The main character is a sixteen year old African American teenager who is with a friend when he is shot by a police officer. The consequences of this shooting drive the story. At the same time, the code-switching required of this young woman as she navigates between a white upper class high school and her neighborhood is thought provoking and also part of the story. I look forward to discussing this with my book group. 

Before I drift off to sleep at night, I read from the poetry anthology, Healing The Divide: Poems of Kindness and Connection. Some of the poems are familiar and others are new to me. The poets come from all walks of life and cultures. I am enjoying a few each evening. According to the note on the back of the book, this book "urges us . . . to move past the negativity that often fills the airwaves, and to embrace the ordinary moments of kindness and connection that fill our days." Amen.

I wish you a vaccine and moments of kindness this week. 


  1. I haven't read The Hate U Give, but I want to. Now you have inspired me to move it up on my list. I love your knitting projects. Enjoy the rest of this March week. See you again soon.

  2. I listened to The Hate U Give on audio too. Great narrator. I have the Habitation Throw in process but it is definitely on the back burner. For me it is socks, socks, socks!

  3. The Hate U Give was an excellent but troubling read. I read it with my eyes, but I can see how it would be good on audio.

    I think we've gotten your rain today, and as it looks like the rain isn't going to let up until after I'm asleep tonight, I guess I'm in for a wet walk today.

    I like the look of i-cord edging but find that it isn't as stretchy as the rest of the knitting. Sometimes I work the edge stitches in 1x1 rib, which gives you a similar look to the i-cord but has more stretch.

  4. Believe we are getting the rain today. It is milder (40's), but grey and damp. Your Habitation throw is so pretty. I have never done an I-Cord anything, so no help from me. And the fingerless mitts are a gorgeous shade of purple. Love your beach glass too. Your book of poetry for reading before bed sounds perfect!

  5. Another person here in the east getting your rain. But it's a slightly warm rain and I'm wondering if it will bring some of the amphibians out tonight. I might go out with a flashlight and look. Your Habitation throw is so pretty, but like Vera, I don't have any experience with I-cord. (I wonder what the I is for?) Those purple mitts are lovely, as is that book of poetry.

  6. Rain here, too. . . But better than snow at this time of year! I actually really like i-cord edging, but have found that I need to be VERY intentional about keeping it nice and loose in the knitting. It really does create a very finished look to a project, and sometimes the blocking-out helps. The throw will be so lovely! I found that particular anthology of poems last year. I think it's such a nice collection.

  7. We had rain the last couple of days and I'm not sure it's all done ... the grass is starting to green (and the puddles are definitely pollen-y) I think your knitting looks lovely, with just the right amount of thinking about it!

  8. the last knit that called for an icord edging I eliminated it because I wanted a stretchy edge. I think I like Icord for a neckline or a wrist edge even a sweater body edge. Good luck!
    the rain here is GONE and we now have some sun, it's delightful.

  9. That is a gorgeous sock!
    I love the colors in your Habitation Throw. They blend together so well. I did the icord edging on mine, and I really like it. It felt kind of magical when I was knitting it.
    I like the movie, The Hate U Give, but I found the writing in the book clumsy and gave up on it.

  10. I love the picture you paint with your words of spring inching her way in... bit by bit. I have requested The Hate U Give... thank you for the recommendation!

  11. What a wonderful wish for us all. I have shot one done. Very happy to know shot two is not too far away.
