Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Unraveled Wednesday

This morning a bright yellow goldfinch sang in the birch. His molt to spring and summer colors is almost complete. A winter junco hopped around the feeder in the backyard. I imagine he will leave soon. This last day in March is breezy and brisk but the yards and weeds are green. The Easter Sunday forecast is for eighty degrees.  

As I link with Kat and the Unravelers today, I can report one finished throw, one frogged shawl, one reknit mitt, and a new cast on. It was a wild knitting week complete with second Covid shots. We experienced eighteen hours of mild side effects and then they were gone. I was ever so grateful for the slight headache, body aches, and chills. I put on warm woolens, curled up in a quilt, and read. I also knit on the lavender mitts which wasn't a great idea. Somehow I shifted one cable on the right hand mitt. I didn't notice it until I was knitting the last two rows of ribbing across the palm.  I ripped it out and reknit it a day or so later.   

These look better on hands but my photographer wasn't available. 

The finished Scrappy Habitation Throw is the most crooked square I have ever knit. I wet blocked it to 56 inches square. The process required crawling around on the floor with lots of measuring and adjusting of pins. All fingering weight scraps are not the same and that was probably part of problem. The beginning corner was knit from a Koigu yarn that is heavier than the sock yarn at the ending corner.  I also think the weight of the blanket contributed to the looser gauge in the last corner. The scraps you see are what remains. I still have ten million ends to weave in, well maybe five million as I started using the clasp-weft join mid throw. I rather like weaving ends in, making a project tidy and finished, which tells you something about me. 

I frogged the red shawl. The previously sorted out spine looked great but one side had an extra stitch. I considered decreasing the extra stitch but decided against it. The thought of starting over right now didn't spark joy. I love the red shade in the yarn. Maybe next fall or near the holidays knitting a red shawl will be just the thing. I love that yarn doesn't spoil over time.

I cast on a new pair of socks. I wanted to knit on something bright. The fiber content is 75% wool and 25% nylon so these will be wooly socks. I hope washing softens them a little. Right now, the fabric feels a little crunchy. It is an experiment.

I continue to read The Doctors Blackwell: How Two Pioneering Sisters Brought Medicine to Women and Women to Medicine and enjoy it. I found a used copy of Woodswoman I: Living Alone in the Adirondack Wilderness by Anne LaBastille. The nonfiction about the Adirondack back country is great armchair traveling. I am not a rugged outdoors woman but it is fun to read about one. Vera recommended this author to me and I'm glad she did. If you like nature writing you might like this book. 

To those celebrating, Happy Easter. Happy last day of March and Happy Spring.

Ravelry Links

Lavender Mitts

Scrappy Habitation Throw

Spring Socks

Trader Joe' Daffodils - please excuse the kitchen sink



  1. Oh wow! You found a copy of Woodswoman - it can be difficult to find. I do love that book so much (the first one...there are 3 I think in the series). You've been busy on the knitting front. glad your issues seem to have worked out. The new socks are a great spring color.

  2. I do love nature writing and books. Thanks!!! Im sorry your blanket had some issues. I think ripping back is in the air this week! I swear we are all doing it. Sorry your second shots were tough . But at least you know your body launched an attack! thats great. Happy Easter

  3. Your Habitation Throw may have been a bit crooked but I think it's lovely and will feel nice on your lap on a chilly day. I wonder if those re-knit mitts will always remind you of the vaccine? Our second shots are scheduled for this coming Wed. and I have my quilt, woolly socks, and water ready. I am going to look for a copy of Woodswoman. I'm not much of a rugged outdoors woman but I think I would like to read about it. Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

  4. Personally, I think scrappy projects are meant to be a bit imperfect; their beauty is in all the scraps that are used and the memories of past projects that they evoke. Plus, when I'm under a cozy blanket, I don't really care whether or not it's perfectly square!

    Glad to hear your side effects were only mild!

  5. After seeing your Habitation Throw (and a couple of others around the blogs), I've added it to my to-knit-soon list. I have a lot of scraps, and think it would make a perfect project. Like Sarah, I think the beauty of "scrappy projects" are in their memories, and the more wabi-sabi, the better! I'm so happy to hear that your vaccine side effects were minimal and tolerable -- and that you're fully vaccinated now! Hurray. Happy spring, and Happy Easter to you.

  6. I love that Habitation Throw... what a perfect scrappy blanket! I agree with Kym that the joy in that scrappy project is in the yarn memories! I am so happy you are fully immunized! YAY!

  7. oops, how did I miss this post last week?! I was talking with a friend about a scrappy blanket last week and I must let her know about the Habitation Throw - what a perfect project/finished object! also, I think yarn most definitely improves with a little "age". Happy Easter!

  8. What a pretty spring the mitts too...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  9. well you've been a busy knitter and unknitter! I love the habitation throw and want to make that someday but not right now. Lovely knits!!
