Wednesday, April 21, 2021

April Light

April evening light is so sweet. The flowering trees reflect the soft and bright whites and pinks. The greens are still new and daylight lasts longer. The temperatures have been chilly and on Monday snow fell but the trees seem to have weathered the cold. I started washing winter woolens but paused as I am wearing them. I enjoy a cool Spring so a few more walks with mittens and hat is welcome. Warmth is in the forecast.

Today I am back to a Wednesday post with
Kat and the Unravelers. I finished one wild and crazy sock. (This is about as wild and crazy as I get.) The pattern I began with called for two extra plain rows at the top of the heel flap. I blindly followed the pattern, knit the extra rows, heel flap, heel turn, gusset and a few inches down the foot. When I tried the sock on, the heel was too big. I ripped it out and reknit it with my usual thirty rows of heel flap. Much better. That's the joy of knitting your own socks, making them to fit. I finished the sock and cast on the second. The stripes/colors won't match but I didn't expect them to do so. 

I knit a little cardi/shrug for my granddaughter. I knit to gauge but it looks small to me. She is petite so it might fit. If not, it can be for someone else. Also Little Miss Firecracker is a girl with a mind and voice of her own. As her oldest brother says, "she is kind of picky about her clothes right now." She might not want to wear it. The yarn, Bebe Cotsoy, is from deep stash and no longer being sold which is too bad. It's a nice washable cotton blend yarn for babies and toddlers. I finished it before I had time to take a photo of the cast on. It was a nice break from my current shawl. 

I am reading
This Golden Fleece: A Journey Through Britain's Knitting History. Esther Rutter knits her way around Britain while exploring the history and culture of her country. Any fiber history interests me and this is no exception. Some of the British vocabulary isn't familiar but as I read on, context brings the meaning into focus. I just began to read Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo. This YA book is written in verse. The story is told in two voices of half-sisters, one in the Dominican Republic and the other in New York City, who lose their father in an airline crash. When I was looking for books to suggest in our book group, I found an online video of the author discussing her graduate school experience and this book and was intrigued. I think we will have a good discussion. I am listening to the latest Maisie Dobbs mystery, The Consequences of Fear by Jacqueline Winspear. Dobbs and the familiar characters are living through World War 2. I know this series isn't for everyone but I enjoy it. A light mystery is good for evening knitting and listening.  

I hope your socks fit and the April light shines on the street where you live. 

Ravelry Links

Spring Socks 

Little Cardi   - pattern Sedona Rose


  1. Look at that baby hair! I think I love socks because I almost always make them for me and they fit because my feet don't change much! I love your socks. Im trying to finish a sock today. Im protesting the sunshine which is also sending snow down. I have had enough. ugh

  2. Your sock looks wildly colorful to me and will bring joy to your feet. That sweet photo of your granddaughter also brings joy, just like the Brambly Hedge book that I spy in the third photo makes me happy. I'm not sure my boys loved them as much as I did but they were enchanting to read. I will look for The Golden Fleece at the library. That is a lovely title for a lovely book!

  3. That hair! So adorable!! I love the sneak peek at Brambly Hedge -- I only discovered this series a few years ago and I'm in love with it. They always make me want to bake!

    Thank you for reminding about the Maisie Dobbs series... I think I've only read two, but you're right - they are wonderful mysteries to spend some time with. I loved Clap When You Land -- I listened on audio and thought it was beautiful.

    I hope you have a great week!

  4. Little Miss Firecracker indeed -- she must be a lot of fun (and likely also exhausting for her mama!).

    I have only read the first two Maisie Dobbs books, but I remember really enjoying them. I should get back into that series.

  5. Such beautiful light, Jane. I don't mind a "lingering Spring" . . . when it gets too warm too soon, the inevitable return of cooler Spring days is that much harder to bear. I had "Little Miss Firecracker" of my own . . . and she was (still is!) very picky about her clothes. I just love the photo on the trampoline! How fun is that!?

  6. Oh my gosh - love the photo of your granddaughter. Look at her hair!!! That is an adorable little cardigan - hoping she likes it. We are freezing (literally) here this a.m., but no snow thankfully. And, it will warm up again for sure.

  7. love love love the hair! Ah to be young and carefree. That little sweater is so cute and such a classic design and color that it will go with almost anything.

  8. What a sweet cardigan ... I predict it will be a perfect fit! and I LOVE Maisie Dobbs - haven't read that one yet, and I'm looking forward to it.

  9. I love your socks! That yarn is just awesome! :)

    And that fiber history book sounds fascinating! I am off to see if my library has it! Thank you!
