Wednesday, April 7, 2021

April Showers

After a string of gloriously warm and windy days, rain fell last night. Rain on the roof is so peaceful. Today is gray and damp with more April showers on the way. Some ornamental trees in the neighborhood bloom but ours will bloom later. Buds on the linden and birch just begin to send out green tips but the Japanese Lilac tree has leafed out. The crisp new greens are invigorating. Why do I so rarely choose green yarn? I don't know. Sometimes, like now, I look at my knitting and notice the projects are all the same color family. 

I am linking with Kat and the Unravelers and am happy to report no unraveling. Monday evening the wind died down so we carried our leftover Easter brunch dinner to the deck. No jackets were required. After we finished, I knit a few rows on this sock - outdoors. What a nice evening. The sock is coming along. The pattern has a diagonal line beginning at the instep and crossing the top of the foot. Someday I will follow this pattern as written. Well maybe I'll follow the pattern. Why make promises I may not keep? The broken rib has a nice rhythm and the diagonal would show better in a tonal or solid colored yarn. 

I'm also knitting the Falling Water Shawl. The designer, Bonnie Sennott writes a nice pattern. The side panel of texture keeps the knitting from becoming too monotonous. The colorway, Columbine, has more of a rose tint then shows in this photo. It resembles the color of the flower but also the lighter colored breasts of the house finches that frequent the feeder outside my window. 

I am reading Wanderers: A History of Women Walking by Kerri Andrews. I am just into the second chapter but am not wowed by this book. Andrews lives and works in the UK so of course, that is her orientation. Of the ten women writers profiled, eight lived or live in the UK. Anias Nin was born (to Cuban parents) in France, and Cheryl Strayed is American. I realize the scope of non-fiction work has to be limited but I think this book could be much richer if more women of color had been included.  Juliann posted about reading books about walking and we had a short conversation about how, in many places, the US is not set up for walking and that the Brits seem to have more appreciation and history of walking. Perhaps this influenced this author as she researched her book. At any rate, I'm going to read more of the book before I abandon it. 

What are you knitting this week? 

Ravelry Links

Spring Socks 

Falling Water Shawl

I should have removed the dish towel from the counter but I didn't so instead of still life you get real life; flowers against a homey background. 


  1. That sock looks so nice and spring-y, and even more so if you can knit a bit of it outdoors. I got to visit with a friend on our porch yesterday, and the glorious weather outdoors provided a lovely setting for the excitement of seeing someone "in person". I really like your Falling Water shawl - both the pattern and the color you chose. I also appreciate your real life shot of "beautiful bouquet with dish towel"!

  2. Love your flowers (in reality). Have you knit that shawl previously? I seem to remember it? Lovely color and fun socks. Great to knit outdoors!

  3. It's hard to get stuck in a book that you really aren't enjoying. I always tell my students, you're reading the book - not marrying it - so if you don't like it, move along and get one you love! I like the flowers and the "homey" background. I also like the beautiful bright socks and shawl. Have a good week and I will see you again soon!

  4. When I think of your projects, I do think of warm, rich colors, and I think they suit you. Nothing wrong with that!

    We had rain last night, just as we were going to bed, and because there is that weatherproof sheet down on the roof right now, it was louder than normal. It was such a nice sound to fall asleep to.

    If you are looking for some fiction related to walking, have you read "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry"? If not, and if you're interested, I could send you a copy.

  5. I like the still life/real life! Your flowers are just beautiful, and really brighten up your lovely, homey space.

    I think we're naturally drawn to colors we love, so I don't find it unusual that you gravitate to certain colors for your knitting at all. I find that to be very true for me, as well. My yarn selection, my watercolor palette, my garden, my closet . . . they all reveal the colors I love best.

    Happy spring! (And I second Sarah's recommendation of "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry." It's wonderful, it's fiction, and I think you'd enjoy it.)

  6. I have that book on hold at my library. I just finished Salt Path, another walking in the UK book. I wonder if the abundance of open paths in the UK make it a better option for walking, In the book, they meet up with an American who says that waking in the US means being in the woods a lot of the time. Something to ponder for my someday walking trip.

  7. I love your flower photo! Things here are getting green too> Im so excited we are still in that impressionist period of dots of bright green. But it is coming!!

  8. pretty flowers and I love that new shawl on the needles, you pick out the nicest shawl patterns to knit up.

  9. I like those socks! Hmm, I might need to find some pink yarn to knit some springy socks! :)
