Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A Lighter Spirit

I feel a lighter in spirit. The iris and bleeding heart bloom. White anemones bob in the breeze. The potatoes are up and the bunnies and squirrels haven't eaten them - yet. Lighter meals of egg salad, chick-pea salad, fresh berries, and salad greens are a welcome change. A little disheveled starling chick with crazy eyebrows bounces around in the top of the bushes. He can't quite find balance on his perch. I know how he feels. The county Covid vaccination rate is at 57.7% and the positivity rate at 2.7%. The local mask mandate expires tomorrow. With Mary's wisdom of grace and space, I wear a mask, eyebrows visible, nose and mouth covered in public settings. 

Today I am linking with Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday. I cast on a lace weight Rewilding Shawl from some stash yarn. I have knit this shawl twice and enjoy the gentle shaping. Periwinkle is one of my favorite colors. My plan is to modify the pattern by adding more eyelet sections. Eyelets in this color remind me of the wild violets that grow in my flower beds. I leave them to grow as they are prettier than bindweed and creeping charlie. It's raining here this morning so the photo is a little dark.

I finished the Falling Water Shawl. It is a very generous size. The yarn, Tern by Quince and Co., grew with blocking as I knew it would. I loved the pattern but am less thrilled with the color. Such is knitting. This shawl may go in the gift stash. I am knitting the second sock of the wild and crazy yarn.  

I am planning my summer reading list and book order. When I taught, I made a reading list to celebrate summer. I continue to make that list and then check on library availability. I often order summer books used from Powell's Books or shop my local used bookstore. I may actually venture into The Novel Idea this summer. The summer reading list takes me back to the old Carnegie Library in my hometown. I don't know about you but I can still recall the smell of that library of my childhood. I loved it.

What is lifting your spirits these days?

Ravelry Links

Spring Rewilding Shawl

Falling Water Shawl

Wild Socks


  1. Yes, it truly does feel like things are lightening up. There is a more optimistic air. I have some books in mind for this summer that I am excited about. I also have good memories of going to the library in the summer as a child, and later of participating in all the activities of the summer reading program with my own little ones. Libraries are still magical for me. Thanks for this post. Have a good week.

  2. Your finished shawl looks lovely. If the color doesn't suit you, I'm sure you'll have no problem finding someone who it does.

    Isn't it funny how we continue to be guided by the school calendar even when we're not beholden to it? Technically I still have to deal with an academic calendar at work, but because I work year-round, it doesn't have quite the same impact. But I still think of summer as a break of sorts.

  3. Oh yes! I definitely remember the smell of our library when I was a kid growing up. It was in an old house and there was so much wood. It was wonderful. When they closed that particular library and opened the new one in what had been a department store, I was so disappointed! Love all of your projects - gorgeous knitting!

  4. I am so looking forward to summer because it means retirement!
    I love idea of making a reading list.
    We have a terrible public library, so if I want to read anything popular from last two or thee years, there is very long wait. I am sure I'll end up buying some books. There are worse things than supporting local bookstores!

  5. I love the library, too, but it's been really convenient during the COVID confinement to be able to borrow library books online. Love your shawls and the weather!

  6. Visiting the library in the summer is one of my favorite memories. Maybe ours will open up for in-person visits soon ... what a thrill it will be to wander the aisles!

  7. gorgeous shawl and it looks like it has excellent drape! I've been enjoying the elibrary capabilities during covid.

  8. I have such wonderful childhood "library memories." And, yep. I can still conjure the smell. . . I'm going to look forward to seeing your summer reading list!

  9. Lifting my spirits are your library memories ! I loved mine and we lived a block from it while we raised Al and Zach. Summers were full of reading contests and prizes.
    Living my spirits: 1- Covid Camp is officially over. Fireman went golfing with friends again this morning. This gave me time to weave in ends on my shawl, post and now read your thoughts!
    2-Miss Pie's weight is back to pre-dental work
    3-its hot its humid i love it. Im on the porch

  10. I knit that Rewilding shawl at some point. Now that I have started another shawl, I am thinking I need to get back to shawl knitting. It will help me bust some stash. My booklist for summer reading is shaping up. Trying to read from my shelf or the library as much as possible. We will see. Now, if the rain and clouds would just let up.

  11. Ooo! I like that Rewilding pattern. hmm. It might be some nice gift knitting! Thank you for sharing that new to me pattern!

    (and yes to lighter days... our county still hovers just under 150 new cases a day. So, yes... masking is still my plan.)
