Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May News

Hello on this bright, cool, breezy May day. I am watching a mama starling fly in and out of nest in the bushes along the front of the house. I can't see any tiny heads but she did wind a bit of transparent ribbon into her nest which gives it a little style. Yesterday I planted tomatoes and cucumber seeds. The temps are chilly but I bought the plants late last week so it is high time to get them into the ground. The forecast shows rain beginning Friday and lasting an entire week. If I were writing A Gardener's Alphabet  (see below) I would write "B is for backache" and "G is for gamble." Yesterday's work took two and a half hours. It was glorious while I was planting, digging, potting, and laying drip hose but it might have been 45 minutes too long. A hot shower and a heating pad revived me. 

I am joining Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and friends. I finished the shawl late last week but it still needs to be blocked. I made a little progress on the wild and crazy second sock. I wanted something else to work on so I cast on Antler Mittens to go with a hat I knit last Fall. Since the pattern calls for an aran yarn and I am using Malabrigo Rios, the first cuff was too small. After a knitting a few rows of the pattern, I listened to the voice in my head. Blocking wasn't going to help and neither was knitting more rows. The fabric is right for a mitten and I love the yarn but an evening with this project made my hand hurt a little. I'll knit on them for shorter periods of time, alternating with yet another to be determined project.  

I am currently reading The Dutch House by Ann Patchett. Last year I listened to the novel but am reading it as it is our book group's next discussion book. It's an interesting reread of sorts. Tom Hanks' voice still rings in my head as I recall some of his inflection and expression. 

My children sent thoughtful Mother's Day gifts. My son sent the books on spinning stacked up by the socks. Sometimes he calls to chat on his commute home from work. I mentioned spinning and spindles several times. He selected these books on his own and did a great job. My daughter sent me a subscription to an online writing project called StoryWorth. Every week I'll receive a prompt to write a personal/family story. I think she has a hand in choosing the writing prompts. At the end of the subscription, the stories are bound into a hard copy book. This should be fun. 

Now I am off to repair squirrel damage to a newly planted pot of herbs. Why can't they eat out of the compost bin? I don't begrudge the starling her nest but those squirrels are a royal pain in the tush. Then I'll take a walk and stash dive for a new project with a looser gauge. Stay tuned. 

Ravelry Link 

Antler Mittens


  1. Your son made some excellent choices -- those are all great spinning books!

    I've never thought of myself as much of a gambler, but I guess gambling is what any gardener does when they plant their seeds.

  2. Those are very true choices for your gardener's alphabet! I'm still amazed that I can put a seed in the ground and have something to eat or freeze just a few months later. I'm busy digging up the largest and strongest of the volunteer tomato plants in hope that I won't have to buy and plants. They may be a surprise as to whether they are Rutgers, Roma, or cherry, but I welcome the miracle of any of them.

    You are clearly a thoughtful mother who raised thoughtful children, and I hope you enjoy your thoughtful gifts, and find an appropriate looser gauge project.

  3. How nice! Your children are so thoughtful and selected gifts perfect for you. I haven't read The Dutch House yet, but I do have it on my "to read" shelf. Nice post. Have a good week!

  4. What thoughtful gifts! another friend received StoryWorth for Christmas and it's been a bit of work for her, but I know the resulting book will be amazing (just like yours!) I LOVE your take on the Gardener Alphabet - something about Deer and Rabbits would belong in our version, too.

  5. Those are EXCELLENT spinning books! What a lovely and thoughtful gifts from your dear son! Squirrels... sigh. Yes, they are pesky little creatures. I would share Sherman if we were closer, he is an excellent squirrel and rabbit chaser!

  6. What lovely and thoughtful gifts from your children. My husaband is the gardener...I watch. But...I had a similar back ache after scrubbing my bathroom floors. Yuck! I would rather have been outside - LOL. Looking forward to seeing your next knitting project.

  7. both of your gifts are so thoughtful! The whole year writing one sounds intriguing. I loved reading Dutch House - one of my favorites for sure.

  8. What lovely gifts from your children. Squirrels and bunnies - working on sharing my garden space with them, not an easy task.

  9. Oh your children did a great job.!!!!! My daughter gave her great Uncle Bill story worth last year. HE loved parts of it, he felt like some of it was homework.!!! But now it is bound and a book and we treasure it

  10. (I am very behind on my blog reading. . . ) I love your additions to the Gardener's Alphabet -- and couldn't agree more. :-) I've heard about StoryWorth, and think it sounds like a wonderful gift that will be treasured forever. I hope you're having a lovely week.
