Wednesday, October 13, 2021


Rain fell last night, easing dry conditions. I woke to the gusts of wind. This morning I saw the first junco of the autumn/winter season. Now, the Autumn sun shines on the yellow and gold birch leaves promising a beautiful breezy day. My dear sister is coming over for lunch. We will chat, catch-up on our grands and knitting, and remember our brother John. Knit Paper Scissors, a local yarn shop, has new fall yarns so who knows, we may wander over there before she drives home. 

Today Kat hosts Unraveled Wednesday so I am linking to the Unravelers as we write about knitting and reading. 

Norah's sweater is beginning to feel like a saga. I'm going to block or steam the button bands one more time. Last night I discovered the width of the side with the buttons was two rows short. I took out the bind-off and added the rows. I used the one-row buttonhole as suggested by Sarah and Kym and am reasonably happy with them. I also used this Modern Daily Knitting tutorial on knitting button bands. The ends at the bottom of the sweater could be neater. I almost ripped them both out and started over but I didn't. I'm hoping blocking sorts them out. Famous last words, right? I bought some buttons at JoAnn's last week and when I got them home, they didn't have shanks on the back so I returned for an exchange. I will be glad to sew on the buttons and weave in the last ends on this project. 

I knit a little on the Fractal Danger scarf. The tonal yarn is lovely and one of my favorite shades of blue. I am also working on a hat as a Christmas gift. I'm using DK yarn instead of worsted but other than the length which I added, the hat is an easy project. The yarn is from a local dyer so that is fun. 

Last week I pulled an older book, Life in a Day by Doris Grumbach, off my shelf and reread it. This quiet honest memoir of a Maine day in Grumbach's life was what I needed. I am late to the Hamnet party but waited to read it with my local book group. I am barely into the book but am enjoying Farrell's writing. 

I hope your knitting, spinning, stitching, gardening, cooking and/or reading is treating you well. 

Ravelry Links

Norah's Sweater

Fractal Danger

Red Pennyroyal Hat


  1. Love your knitting Jane - so pretty. Sending good vibes for Norah's sweater to block out well. I checked out Doris Grumbach's books on Amazon and they look really good to me. I'm going to see if my library has any. I've been reluctant to read Hamnet (Shakespeare, plague, etc.), but maybe I should give it a try?

    1. My library has a number of her books - I've requested "Life in a Day." Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. Jane, your posts are such a joy to read - I really appreciate your calm, quiet voice. and I'm so sorry I missed the post two weeks ago about your brother's passing. My heart is with you and your family. I pray the memories y'all created will be a blessing and a balm. and how wonderful that you had some new memories from this summer to add to what I'm sure is a very tall pile of them. xoxo.

  3. I do like Norah's sweater and I bet she will love it (and most likely not even mention the button bands)! She'll know her Grammy knit it for her and chose special buttons and those will be the most important. Your Fractal Danger is also lovely in tonal yarn and that red hat looks like a lovely Christmas gift. I loved Hamnet and I think it will be even better discussing it with your book group. I hope your time with your sister was enjoyable!

  4. I think the sweater is darling! Norah is very lucky that she has a Grammy who will take such love and care to knit her such a beautiful sweater.

    I hope you enjoy your time with your sister and that your recollections about your brother bring a smile to you faces.

  5. Button bands are actually a bane for me. I don't know how many times I have ripped-and-reknit button bands. . . The sweater for Norah will be Just Right, and so sweet. You'll be happy to have spent so much time making it "perfect" for her. XO
    (Hamnet is one of my favorite recent reads. I hope you enjoy it!)

  6. Button bands should be outlawed! :) Love that little sweater though. The pocket detail really dresses it up. All 3 projects are lovely.

  7. I am so sorry I missed the your brother had passed away. I will be holding you and your family close in the coming days. I pray that your memories of him will be a blessing for you all!

    Gah... button bands. I have a Love/Hate relationship with them. So I have this wise advice... imperfections you might see in still life won't be noticeable in Nora Life! :)

  8. Norah's sweater is perfect! I think you are too close to it to see it's true beauty but I'm like you and when I notice something and I'm not happy about it I try to fix it. A blessing or a curse?? I'm glad you are with your sister and having fond memories of your brother together, praying for you!

  9. You are a VERY good knitter. !ove the photos! The red hat wi11 be fabu1ous!
