Wednesday, October 20, 2021

These Autumn Days

Autumn is so beautiful. Walking the neighborhood is a joy. The bright days make me think of my brother John who was often out with his black labs on autumn days. He and his immediate family are on my mind. This year, the maples turning red seem more subtle with underlying brown tones. I wonder if subtle coloring is due to dry conditions or the way I am seeing them these days. A Cooper's Hawk has been in the backyard and managed to remove a few small squirrels. Squirrels do so much damage, I can't work up much sympathy for them. 

I wove in the ends and sewed buttons on Norah's sweater and will send it off soon. Maybe she will wear it and maybe not but I wanted to knit her a sweater so I did. I enjoyed (mostly) knitting it for her. I finished the red hat that is a Christmas gift. This week I need a car knitting project so I cast on a cowl from my handspun Cormo. I plan to use the two most consistent skeins. The yarn certainly has character. Somehow the variation in weight works itself out in a cowl. I'm not sure why I chose such white fiber. My recollection was I read about Cormo sheep and wanted to try the fiber. More white mitts or a white hat didn't seem practical.  I don't need another cowl but I wanted to knit with the yarn. 

I am enjoying Hamnet in a paperback copy. It is nice to have a book-book on my nightstand. The description of how the disease-carrying fleas made their way to the boy, Hamnet, and his sister, Judith, gives me pause during this pandemic. I am listening to Vanishing Fleece read by the author Clara Parkes. Hearing Parkes read her work is delightful. This is the story of Parkes' adventure with a locally grown bale of wool that she had scoured, spun in local mills, and made into yarn. It's a great story if you are interested in yarn. 

I am writing this Unraveled Wednesday post on Tuesday. The tag on my teabag read, "Be Guided. Listen to the whispers of the universe." I'm not sure the universe is whispering to me today but it is a nice thought. Our son is working remotely here before we drive to Iowa for John's service. We are enjoying having him here. A memorial service is a sad reason for a family gathering but the few days with Aaron are an unexpected gift. I hope you have some unexpected gifts this week. 


  1. I am so glad to see you knitting with your handspun. I hope you are seeing that what you call "character" in the yarn doesn't stand out as much in the knitting. I like the white, but you could always dye the finished project if you're worried it will look dirty too quickly.

  2. Thinking of you and your family and wishing you all safe travels and joyful memories. So cool that you are knitting with your handspun!!!

  3. One of my most-worn cowls is a cream color, in a not-so-fancy texture stitch. I think you made a lovely choice for your handspun. Peace and safe travels. xo - M.

  4. Knitting with your own handspun seems like it would be especially gratifying, and it looks so lovely and squishy. I'll be thinking of you and your family as you travel and attend your brother's service. Wishing you peace and remembrance.

  5. I am filled with joy to see you knit with your handspun! I think that will be the perfect "travel knit" as you gather with family and share beautiful memories of your brother. May those memories be a blessing for all of you... I will be holding you all close in my thoughts.

  6. I'm holding you in my heart, Jane. Memorial services are such a both/and kind of thing . . . grief AND joy at the same time. I always like to think that the person we gather to remember . . . would like to see family and friends joyous about being together in a sad time. (That's how I'd feel, if it were my memorial.) I hope the service brings you and your family peace and love in your memories.

    And I just read an article about leaf-color-changing when the fall season is "delayed" or warmer than usual. Apparently, the colors - when they do change - are much more dull, and often the leaves will actually fall before changing color. (That's the situation we're in here in Michigan. Although we've had plenty of rain, it's been an extremely warm and "lingering" fall. The leaves are still . . . pretty green here. And this is not typical at all.)

  7. Keeping
    your brother John, In my prayers. You as we11, of course

  8. beautiful photos and I love to hear about your brother John, may he rest in peace. The autumn season hasn't really hit here and I don't think we will get the brilliant colors however, maybe we will. I keep looking!
