Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Happy Solstice 2022

Today is a very solstice kind of day. The sky is a soft gray and frost clings to tree branches. Light snow fell earlier and the temperature is a balmy 15 degrees. A warm home is a blessing. The neighborhood fox went by earlier. He is a busy guy. Last night, I saw him around 9:45 p.m. as I was getting ready for bed. I hope you are all warm and well. My back went out earlier this week but is improving. Between my husband's ankle (also healing) and my back, we are almost a functioning pair. Walking doesn't bother me but sitting, lifting, and carrying heavy objects does. He can lift and carry but not walk long distances. Oh my, at least we still smile at each other - most of the time.

I join Kat and other makers for Unraveled Wednesday. I continue to knit on the Guernsey Scarf. I prefer the lighter colors but am enjoying the last skeins with their rich moody colors. They reflect the deeper winter days ahead. In today's light, it is hard to get a good photograph. Now and then I take a break from the scarf to knit on another project. In this way, I finished the shawl that's been languishing for quite some time. I'd like to finish the cowl below by the end of the year and start fresh in 2023. This almost never happens but maybe is the year. I am dreaming of two new projects.  

This shawl could have been slightly bigger but it is the size I prefer to wear. I also didn't want to play yarn chicken with the picot bind-off. Who wants to get half-way though a long picot bind-off and have to rip out rows to have enough yarn?  Although the cashmere in the yarn is lovely, I am noncommittal about the shawl. I enjoyed making it but may give it to someone in the future. 

Last night I put a few rows on a cowl I'm knitting from some early handspun. It's my reward for finishing a section on the Guernsey Scarf. I used the stitch count and three motifs from the Land of Sweets Cowl. I'm nearly out of handspun so I started the ribbing rows. The next week and a half are quiet here so I plan to savor these days. I'm letting the dust pile up while I knit and spin. I have coffee and tea in the cupboards and a nice selection of books and cookies to keep me company. 

In an evening or two, I read an old mystery by Anne Perry, A New York Christmas. Perry writes a short mystery each Christmas. I prefer the first few in the series. Later on, she gets too preachy for me. This was fluffy reading and I enjoyed the NYC setting. Two weeks ago, I was looking for an audio book on Libby and happened onto The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See. This historical fiction is the story of two Korean women who work in the sea with their village's all-women diving collectives. The writing is good enough but the story is more than excellent. The novel begins in the late 1930's as two young girls from different backgrounds become friends and learn to harvest food from the sea. Set against the turmoil of Korean history from the late 30's to the present day, I learned more about Korea. The heart of the story is the strength of these women, physically and emotionally, as they face tragedy, hardship, and joy. I am still thinking about the story and characters.

On this frosty day, however you celebrate,  I wish you peace, joy, love, and light. 

Ravelry Links:

Guernsey Scarf

Cosmic Girl Shawl

Mostly Handspun Cowl

Oh, the USPS delivered all the hand knits safely to Connecticut.  Jonah has his scarf. 



  1. I'm sorry to hear that both you and your husband are having some issues but at least you complement each other. I hope you both heal soon and become a bit more whole. Staying inside, letting the dust settle as it will, and knitting on some delightfully warm woolly projects sounds like the best way to stay warm, and enjoy plenty of peace and light. Thank you for sharing Jonah's winning smile with his scarf!

  2. Jonah looks handsome wearing the scarf. I’d say he likes it. I love the last few weeks of the year and usually try to finish projects before New Year’s Eve. It doesn’t always happen, but it’s fun trying.

  3. Jonah! You will the prize of the week for the most excellent knitwear modeling with bonus points for your tee shirt paired with scarf matching!

    I have stumbled across the book The Island of Sea Women a few times on Libby... your recommendation is putting it into my TBR column! Thank you!

    And finally, I hope that your back and your husbands ankle are both soon mended. You stay warm in this Bomb Cyclone weather extravaganza. And that you have the Merriest Christmas possible! XO

  4. Look at that smile -- his delight in his new scarf makes every moment of knitting it worth it, I am sure!

    I read The Island of Sea Women a couple of years ago and found the story to be very interesting (though the writing was, as you said, just good enough).

    I hope both you and your husband feel a bit better every day and can stay warm and cozy as you enjoy the season!

  5. His scarf is adorable!!! You have had a great knitting year! I am looking forward to what you knit up next year. Merry christmas to you!!
