Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Mid December Days

Hello on this gray chilly December morning. Two cardinals are the bright spot in the landscape and several juncos keep me company. Monday evening rain fell as our book group convened. We had a lovely evening enjoying treats, wine, and hot tea as we chose books for 2023. As I walked to my car with several good friends, lightning flickered and thunder rumbled. A thunderstorm in December isn't unheard of but rare. We were on the edge of the big winter storm that came in from the Pacific. A half an inch of rain fell. It's not nearly enough but it is some moisture.

After several trips to the mailing station in our neighborhood grocery store, I hope every package that needs to be mailed has been mailed. It was a process this year. Now I can bake cookies with a clear conscience. Last week I tried a new chocolate cookie recipe that was disappointing. Those cookies are in the freezer but probably destined for the trash. This morning I set out butter for a tried and true recipe, Cappuccino Chocolate Slices. 

Today is Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and friends. Although I forgot to take a photo of Jonah's scarf, it is finished. I added a second stripe sequence to the other end of the scarf. My husband mailed that package Monday. This morning I received a video of Jonah on the way to school telling his Mom "I need that Grammy Scarf because it is so cold." May the USPS elves be on their best behavior. My daughter promises to take a photo of him with his scarf. 

Last weekend I unearthed the Guernsey Wrap/Scarf I started last January with the Advent yarn set I received as a birthday gift. After seeing all the colors, I selected the pattern, cast on, and then set it aside in the Spring. This year I pulled the project out on 12/10 and discovered I had knit though most of the 9th skein. Up to this point, I am knitting the skeins in order they were numbered, light to dark. I plan to knit on it through December to calm the frenzy of the world and the season. I do not have a goal for the number of rows knit each day and mostly turn off podcasts and audiobooks while working on it. The pattern is lovely, easy but interesting as the textures change. 

I've also spinning this bright BFL colorway fittingly named Sapphire. I ordered two four ounce packages of fiber in order to have enough for a project. The fiber comes from Greenwood Fiberarts. Sunday I finished spinning, the first four ounces. The yarn will be a 2-ply of undetermined weight - maybe sport. 

The picture book Christmas Tapestry is one of my favorites. Patricia Polacco, who lives in Michigan, writes and illustrates her books. At one time, she toured and spoke in schools. Years ago, she spoke in Lincoln and explained that she struggled with dyslexia and learned to read by studying the space around letters and words. She had a wonderful Special Education teacher who believed in her and helped her learn to read. Her books have a lot of text and are better suited to older elementary students but are all wonderful. Christmas Tapestry is an interfaith story of a Christian and Jewish family and an act of kindness. It still brings tears to my eyes. 

I'm almost finished with The Sentence by Louise Erdrich. I have several thoughts about the cover design but will reserve judgement until I come to the end. As with all good artwork, several interpretations are possible. The characters are believable and the women are strong. Erdrich threads enough humor and many literary references to make it an excellent novel. 

I am off to redeem my cookie-making reputation and make a grocery list. What are you up to on these mid-December days? 

Ravelry Link

Advent Guernsey Scarf


  1. What a pretty blue (and aptly named colorway) yarn you have spun - beautiful. And Cappuccino Chocolate Slices sound decadent. I've pretty much decided I will bake New Years Cookies when we return from TX - no point in making them now!

  2. I love your advent scarf/wrap project, Jane. It will be a soothing way to make your way through the month. Sometimes (not often, but often enough) we get "thunder-snow" here . . . when thunder and lightning accompany heavy, wet snow. It's very odd - but also kind of fun, in a weather-nerd way. (And I get so annoyed when I try a new cookie recipe and it's . . . not what I'd hoped for. I think your chocolate cappucino variety sounds delightful!) XO

  3. Scarf picture to come asap!

  4. Your making this week looks so lovely - that fiber is going to be gorgeous! Sorry about the cookie fail but am glad you had a tried and true to back it up. I am interested in trying some oatmeal spiced cookies that were mentioned several times in The Sentence! Can't wait to hear your interpretation of the cover - I'm intrigued!

  5. I am happy to see your Advent wrap making an appearance again; those colors are so lovely together and work so well with the textured stitches. I am very intrigued by Cappuccino Chocolate Slices. Would you be willing to share the recipe?

    We are having heavy rain here as part of that big winter storm working its way northeast. I am thankful we're not getting snow or freezing rain like the higher elevations near us, but it is very soggy out -- wish I could send some of it your way!

  6. May the Grammy gifts arrive safely and soon! I love Patricia Polacco but am not familiar with Christmas Tapestry. None of my local libraries has a copy, so I think I may buy a copy. I so appreciate your book recommendations! I also like your approach to your Guernsey Scarf. It is lovely and I hope it brings peace through December.

  7. May the Grammy Gifts find there way quickly to the recipients, especially a Grammy Scarf to keep one delightful boy's neck warm!

    Your Advent scarf is so lovely! But your spinning! It is gorgeous!

    I also immediately checked out Christmas Tapestry... I hope the Library Elves get it to my pick up spot quickly!

  8. The Guernsey Wrap is a beauty: the color changes add additional interest to the interesting stitch patterns. I haven’t made Christmas cookies in years, but I may dust off some favorite recipes next week.

  9. I am done with the shopping and the mailing. I still have the wrapping and baking (if I bake...). All that is left is menu planning which I do not like to do at all. Seems like every task that needs to be done takes me longer than I think it will take. Yet time speeds by - what a pickle!!
