Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Live and Learn

Happy March 1. The sky is blue and the sun shines this morning. The high today is predicted to be 53 degrees. March comes in like a lamb. What about you? I do see a pesky snowflake in the forecast later next week but I'm ignoring it. Snow during the Nebraska High School State Basketball Tournaments (girls and boys) is often a given.  

Today is Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and friends. The infamous gray sweater is finished. Even though it's a generic top-down raglan sweater, I learned new things about sweater knitting. Blocking did fix the ribbing-flip but the edges flared. It was too loose. Since I thought that might be the case, I knit the neckband and cuff ribbing with a size smaller needle. That worked well but the sleeves came out longer than I expected. Reminder: I need to check the row gauge before AND after washing. I will also block the next sweater before I finish the sleeves. This is the second time I've shortened sweater sleeves. I am also going to finish the neckline early in the project. As Kym reminded me, it affects the fit of a sweater. 

Anyway, I reknit the ribbing on the body. I shortened the sleeves and reknit that ribbing. The new-to-me Hiya Hiya Grandma's Stretchy Bind-off suggested by Mary and Kym worked well all seven times that I knit it. Ha! There is nothing like repetition to cement new learning in an old brain. After twice through with the video, I had the bind-off memorized. I don't know how much wear I'll get from the sweater this month but I do like it and will wear it next year. Sweater knitting is a process. 

I cast on this Hitchhiker from a skein of stash yarn. The tonal blush colorway is named Little Lamb. It looks like Spring to me. Pink always reminds me of my Grandmother, Grama Grama as my kids called her. This yarn is definitely Grama Grama pink. I plan to knit three rows of eyelets every ten teeth. They will mark progress and keep me going. 

Last night I worked on the shawl below. I cast it on in early January and set it aside to focus on the sweater. The mohair silk lace yarn was purchased with a birthday gift card from my sister so it has happy thoughts associated with it. I have long wanted to knit this design (Ravelry link) with this yarn. Although you can't see it in the photo, the garter stitch sections alternate with eyelet sections in stockinette. The shawl ends with a lace border that looks like leaves or trees. 

And for the record, I frogged the scrappy socks. The lime green color wasn't for me and I wasn't enjoying them. Why, when I have five perfectly good skeins of stash sock yarn, would I fuss around cutting and measuring that lime green yarn? I'm not ruling out scrappy socks as I knit a pair with autumn colors several years ago. They were fun to knit and are still nice to wear. 

Chapter's Book and Gift Shop in Seward was delightful. The owner carries a large selection of children's books, local authors, and some poetry. The fiction section was small with some recent releases and paperback novels about books, bookstores, librarians, and libraries. That's an interesting choice but having been in business since 2004, the owner knows her customers. I came home with a signed copy of Ted Kooser's Splitting an Order as it is one volume I've always wanted on my shelf. I also purchased Ada Limon's, The Hurting Kind and a paperback copy of Curious George Goes to the Bookstore.  

Jonah and Norah enjoy the three Curious George books I own. We have read them a million times and I'll keep reading as long as they want to listen. In this new story, George tries to help the bookstore owner by using new books to build a book tower display. What little one can't identify with that? I have a basket of picture books as well as a few on the coffee table. When they call "to read," I flip the camera to "show the choices." They choose and I read. They often fill in phrases for me. It's great fun.

I am reading The Lions of Fifth Avenue with my local book group this month and enjoying the history of this New York City public library. I have just begun the last book of the Erdrich read-along, The Bingo Palace. After several more contemporary stories, this older novel is a return to the characters in the Love Medicine series. Perhaps I've just grown up, but Erdrich's writing strikes me differently than it has in the past. Discussing the books with a group of readers has deepened my understanding of her work. 

Have you learned anything new this week?

Here's to March and the arrival of Spring - soon. 

Ravelry Links

Striped Pullover

Spring Hitchhiker

Birthday Shawl


  1. Your sweater looks nice and warm, but I know what it's like if you have to fiddle with a garment to adjust it while wearing. All of the lessons learned sound like good ones that you can use in the future. I love that beautiful Grama shade of pink for your Hitchhiker and the purple shawl looks very royal. I'm glad your jaunt to Chapters was so rewarding. I wonder if you also got coffee to increase your fun?! Curious George is always good for fun!

  2. I have had to fiddle with the fit of many a sweater. It's always a little frustrating, but usually worth it in the end. Knitting . . . always teaches me new things. (And sometimes, over and over!) The sweater is really lovely, Jane -- and I'll bet you'll get lots of warm wear out of it. (But I hope not until next winter . . . ) I love that you read "long distance" with your grandchildren. What a wonderful experience for all you! And Curious George! Such a favorite in our household when my kids were young. He will always hold a special place in my heart. XO

  3. Hi Jane! I love the sweater. I tried to learn how to knit when I was a child and got so frustrated that I abandoned it. Now I wish I could knit. You are so talented. My children loved Curious George and at one time we had all of the books I am sure. They have long since been given away or donated. Now I wish I had held onto some of my and my children's books. The books are reading always sound so interesting! Enjoy the rest of the week. See you again soon!

  4. Nice sweater. I personally prefer a loose fit on crew neck sweaters - always have. Many memories of Curious George and his antics.

  5. I love the color you've chosen for your hitchhiker - so pretty! And your sweater came out great... what a relief to have it done!

  6. Your sweater looks gorgeous, Jane! (and thanks for the new to me bind off! I am going to practice that one!)

  7. I'm sorry the sweater required so much extra work, but it was clearly worth it because the fit is perfection! The addition of your handspun makes it extra special. March came in like a lamb here, too -- it was sunny and 70 degrees! I'm sure we're not quite done with winter yet, but it was nice while it lasted. I'm glad the bookstore trip was a success, and I love that you've found a way to connect with your grandkids and read to them from a distance thanks to technology.

  8. yay for your sweater - and in the big ol' scheme of things, that extra work is gonna payoff in multiples - the fit is fantastic and your handspun shines! interesting to read your initial thoughts about Bingo Palace - I'm sure we'll have much to discuss. I just started a personal project to read through Ann Patchett's backlist and re-read her debut Patron Saint of Liars in February. I was struck by how mature that book seemed ... not at all what I'd think of as a debut.

  9. Your sweater is lovely...just lovely! I love the purple fun! Cant wait to see your shawl in progress....

  10. I really like the neckline on your sweater Jane….low enough to be comfortable without a chilly neck …..also giving room for a pointed shirt collar or a soft scarf if you want interest

  11. Lovely sweater Jane - all your hard (and repetitive) work paid off. It looks fabulous on you. The Grama Grama pink of your Hitchhiker is so soft looking. I like the idea of eyelets every 10th row. And the purple - how beautiful is that! The shawl pattern is a gorgeous one too. Enjoy knitting it! Glad your bookstore visit was a success and count me as another one who loves that you read to your Grandchildren from a distance. Thank goodness for technology!

  12. that sweater is lovely on you!! I just started a simple top down raglan cardigan that is completely mindless - it's just what I need right now :)

  13. Lovely yarn colors.The sweater looks nice and warm.
