Friday, March 17, 2023

Simply a Moment - 3/17/23

March 17, 2023  5:00 P.M.

Late on this blustery March afternoon, I sit near the window and knit on a sock. I listen to the wind and watch snow squalls come and go. Clouds race across the sky as it changes from blue to the deep periwinkle, gray, and back to blue. At times, the sun shines on snow flurries making them sparkle. The wind gusts and then quiets as I finish a round. Today the wind is definitely a verb, full of action demanding attention. A brave robin remains steady on a bare branch. We will all be glad to welcome Spring next week. 



  1. I love the color of that sock. It is still cold and a little breezy here, but many birds are back. I hear them in the many large trees around our home. I agree with you, I am really looking forward to spring!

  2. I love the color of your sock, and the pattern is so feminine.

  3. Pretty sock! Your description matched our Tuesday perfectly except it was in the morning. We've had windy days all week, but I think it may have finally quieted down (fingers crossed). Have a wonderful weekend Jane!

  4. It was a blustery day for us as well, though we had rain (we're expecting snow today). Are you familiar with Maurice Sendak's "Chicken Soup with Rice"? On days like this, I always think of his description for March -- "In March the wind blows down the door and spills my soup upon the floor. He laps it up and roars for more."

  5. That sock is very pretty, and I'm glad the brave robin is remaining steady.

  6. Your sock looks fab! I'm just working on my first one, I'm at the heel now and too scared to continue LOL

  7. we had a wintry blast that was cold feeling down to my bones. I am reading for some light jacket wearing weather. I love when I turn a heel because then it's almost done.

  8. Delightful Jane! The moment, the sock, and you sharing it all so perfectly! XO

  9. You paint a lovely picture of serenity with your words.

  10. wind has been an action verb here for a few days ... I'm ready for it to take a break! (your sock is lovely)
