Monday, January 29, 2024

Explore 2024: January

I like the practice of focusing on a word each year. It provides some ideas for thinking, being, and just plain living. This year I choose the word "explore" and begin where I always begin, with definitions and word origin. I didn't find much insight in the etymology dictionary so I set that information aside. Perhaps another day I will read it differently. However, many variations of meaning exist. Of course, I focus on the definitions that speak to me.   


1. To investigate systematically, examine. To investigate, study, analyze. To think about, talk about, study or experience something, in order to find out more about it. 

2. To search into or travel in for the purpose of discovery. To travel over new territory for adventure or discovery

3. To become familiar with by testing or experimenting. 

Exploration of something new doesn't mean mastery but it does provide a sense of what might be possible. It feels expansive, including an approach to aging that isn't about a contracting circle of being. Sometimes explore will be a stretch for me and that is a good thing. 

This month my explorations have taken me into difficult territory. The last two months I've experienced an unpleasant side effect from the medication I take for osteoporosis. Right now I'm gathering information and exploring options to make an informed decision. 

Explore will be a good word for 2024. For now, I'm setting aside any detailed preplanned map and thinking in terms of general direction, as from a compass. Whether I post monthly about my explorations remains to be seen. 

I wish you all well from a day with bright blue sky and warming temperatures. The snow is melting and the year is still new. I am eager to explore the possibilities.


  1. I often associate exploration with discovery and possibility, and I think you are quite good at those things, Jane. Aging and medicine are both places where exploring are good things, and I wish you the best with your compass wherever your explorations take you.

  2. Looks like this word will offer a wealth of rabbit holes to explore. I'll enjoy learning where this word takes you!

  3. I think Explore is an excellent word and really gives you a great frame of reference for growth in so many ways.

  4. Explore is such a great word! I love the process of exploring... trying... finding out... it is a word full of possibilities!

    I hear you on medication studying... I have an upcoming doctor's appointment and I have some questions for him! Good luck on your year!

  5. Explore . . . is such a fascinating word, Jane. I'm looking forward to seeing where it takes you this year!

  6. I am very drawn to this idea of exploring, not for mastery but for possibility.

  7. You put the interpretation of Explore in such an inspiring way, Jane. Thinking of it as possibility and not mastery is an offering, of sorts. An inviting and beautiful one. What a positive was to problem solve, as well. Here’s to your year of Explore!

  8. I love the idea of Exploring in 2024, Jane. I'm so happy you were able to frame your current health challenges with this context. And I hope you had fun with Explore on that sunny and (relatively) warm morning!

  9. I love the word explore, Jane! It can take you down many different paths of enlightenment. Good luck with your medications..I hope you find some good answers.

  10. love this word! I hope you find alternative solutions - health is always something that sets me off into worrying and I am doing my best to be mindful and rational! Not easy :)

  11. Oh that is a good word for the year. Explore is not always a destination , but a thought process too. I enjoyed your post .

  12. I love this word for you! especially the "expansive" and "investigative" aspects. Aging requires the right mind-set about both ... hoping you find some alternatives for those side effects. sigh. one thing fixed, and another thing broken....
