Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Sunny Skies

Hello Gentle Readers. On this last day of January, the sun shines and the sky is clear blue. The last four consecutive days of sunshine were glorious. Cloudy days return tomorrow but I am not thinking about that today. As the snow melts, I notice the grass still has a tint of green. Oddly, it was the same color through the Fall. Bitter cold and snow cover made no difference. Robins winter here and I saw one singing yesterday as the sun reflected off her rust breast. Her song sounded of hope. Yesterday I walked in a lighter weight jacket and half way out, I pulled off my hat. 

I link with Kat and company to write about making and reading. I am working on the same projects. Last night I finished the colorwork on the yoke of the Maddox Sweater. Although there are a few places where the darker contrast color floats are visible, I am pleased with it. I plan to knit another inch or so and then either wet or steam block it to see how it looks and fits. I enjoyed the colorwork and look forward to the round and round stockinette. 

Although it's hard to see in the winter light, I'm working on another fade in this shawl. Knitting with handspun and looking forward to the shift in the color makes the long rows seem not so endless. At least not yet. 


I'm reading, Murder Your Employer: McMasters Guide to Homicide by Rupert Holmes, a very tongue-in-cheek mystery thriller. Usually I am less than thrilled with thrillers but this is my local book group's February selection. I've only just begun and it is very witty with a lot of word play. The cover notes a puzzle in the story which might be fun. If it gets too thrilling for me, I'll read the ending to see if I want to continue. Have you ever skipped ahead to the end of a book?

These are the quiet days of winter. Today I hope to get the Connecticut kids' journals and Valentines in the mail. I also need to send February birthday cards and Valentines to the three college students in my family. Then I'm going for a long walk under the sunny sky. What are you up to today?

Ravelry Links

Winter Maddox Sweater

Winter Solstice Shawl


  1. We're having sunshine here today and it is so very welcome. I saw a couple of cardinals on my run this morning, and I loved seeing that flash of red against the blue sky.

    Your sweater and shawl are both looking wonderful. I will keep my fingers crossed that the sweater yoke is a good fit!

  2. What wonderful winter knits, both in warmth and color.
    Our sun has escaped--it was out for an hour or two this morning. I'm grateful for my brother who called while out on his morning walk. That prompted me to get my earbuds and do a walk + talk with him. Glad for the vitamin D!

  3. Your sunny winter days sound heavenly and I'm glad you got out to enjoy them. We've had an extended period of gray and gloomy skies but we haven't had snow or really cold temperatures, so I can't complain too much. Both your sweater and shawl look lovely, and I will be keeping my fingers crossed that the sweater yoke fits and you are happy with it so far.

  4. Your sweater (love that colorwork) and shawl are both beautiful knitting Jane. Our grey and damp weather continues...busier than ever at work, but only one more month. Hooray!!

  5. Love your sweater Jane and is going to be so beautiful when finished. Your book sounds like a fun read.

  6. The sunshine was such a welcome surprise here yesterday as well! And I love watching those robins on their search for bugs across our lawn. I love colorwork knitting... there is something magical about it! And your handspun shawl is growing by leaps and bounds! Bravo to you!

  7. love the shade! We had half a day of sun and I'm glad I had even that. this weekend is supposed to be sunny. I'll believe it when I see it!

  8. The fade looks so good, Jane. I read the ending of books often, but usually not with mysteries - I do like to see if I can figure out who dunnit on my own.

  9. We had about 2 hours of sunshine yesterday (which is a lot for winter in Michigan, I'm sad to say), and it was glorious! I am perfectly comfortable reading the ends of books -- either because I can't stand the suspense of the story or to judge if I want to continue reading. I try not to with mysteries, but sometimes thrillers are just too "thrilling" for me. And I love both of your knitting projects! Beautiful!

  10. Jane your knitting is fabulous. I love the colorwork sweater! I bet it will look wonderful all blocked. The fade on the shawl is subtle and perfect. I hope you get out for more walks. We had a little sun yesterday and some projected for tomorrow. yea!
