Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Hello February

Hello Gentle Readers. Early this morning, all outdoors was frosty. The eastern sky was slightly yellow but overhead a pale blue was dimpled with small scallops of white clouds. Instead of retrieving my phone for a photo, I enjoyed the few moments before the light changed. 

The neighbors feed peanuts to the squirrels and bluejays and there was quite the band of jays flying in and out and among the trees. This winter I notice how the birds' coloring reflects the winter light. No matter the quality of light, they are beautiful. All snow has melted, rain fell, and we are back to warmer temperatures. Some days the thermometer climbs to 57 degrees. If the daffodils pop up, they will be in trouble. I plan to collect leaf litter from the compost bin and make sure they are covered. 

Wednesday is the day to link with Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday. My knitting and making looks much the same, although progress has been made. Three or four projects is my sweet spot and so I am happily knitting between these three items. I keep adding to the shawl. It needs about seven more inches. I love working on the colors, the handspun, and the pattern. 

Eureka! It's a sweater yoke and it fits. I knit about an inch beyond the colorwork on the Maddox sweater, put the stitches on waste yarn, and tried it on. I have a few more inches to go before splitting for the sleeves. I didn't block it because I was satisfied with the look of the colorwork. No unraveling this week.

I also worked a little on this cowl. I need more yardage than I have in the mini set so I unearthed some leftover sock yarn that coordinates with the colors. That is the second color you see on the needles. I can find more if I need it. 😊

As for books, I finished Enchantment by Katherine May. She has a wonderful way of noticing and writing. I am still thinking about some of the gems in this book, for example the concept of Deep Play and how space affects our thinking. I enjoyed the structure she achieved by dividing the book into four sections related to four elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. 

Currently I am listening to True Biz by Sara Novic´. This modern day novel explores issues that confront individuals in the deaf community. Having worked in Special Education, I am familiar with some of these ideas but not all the perspectives that are part of the characters' lives. I've only just begun but I am enjoying this book. 

Norah and I are rereading a favorite, The Mitten Tree. After old Sarah hangs her hand knit mittens on the tree, we speculate about who fills an empty basket with yarn and leaves it on her porch. "Sarah doesn't know who the yarn is from and the children still don't know who the mittens are from. But someone must . . ."*  It's a delightful way to end a picture book.

That's enough from me today. As I write, the sky brightens to a soft blue and a slight breeze ruffles the branches of the birch. It's a good day for a walk and a few chores. Take good care friends. 

* The Mitten Tree written by Candace Christiansen, Illustrated by Elaine Greenstein, Fulcrum Publishing, 1997.

Ravelry Links

Winter Maddox Sweater

Solstice Shawl

Wild Atlantic Cowl



  1. We have been having similarly frosty mornings and sunshine leading to milder afternoons. I haven't seen any blooming yet, but there are plenty of daffodils up in the neighborhood. Phil said we're in for an early spring, so I hope they all make it! I continue to love your handspun shawl and can't wait to see it finished.

  2. I look forward to seeing everyone's knitting and making on Wednesdays, but I also eagerly anticipate your "nature notes". That's how I think of your writing about the birds you're seeing, the light, the sky, and the trees. You descriptions are wonderful and I think you're helping me see things outside my own window in a better way. Thank you!

  3. Over here kind of echoing what Bonny said. I find your blog posts to be so soothing Jane - a balm for the soul. Thank you for that. The yoke of your sweater is beautiful and I'm so glad that it fits! You already know I am fond of your shawl and the cowl is looking mighty fine too. We were in DE today visiting my brother and sister-in-law and the daffodils at the front of their house are budded and one was opening!

  4. Your hand spun shawl looks even more interesting each time I see it - cosy and warm and now with wonderful shading that is more pronounced and intriguing (not knowing how it will look when finished)

    No frosty mornings (thank goodness) but I don’t think we’re going to get the long hot summer we were all looking forward to. Our season is changing just like yours is, I’m noticing the light fading about 8.30pm and need to turn a light on

  5. Jane, your descriptive writing is always a high point of my week! All of your knitting is beautiful. I love the way the colors are emerging on the shawl. Have a good week...stay warm!

  6. Clear nights here means that the temperatures have been dipping down into the 20's overnight... making for a frosty walk in the morning with Sherman! I love it though... the air is so crisp, and the sky so clean... it has made for some amazing sunrises! But I love the warming days also... that afternoon outing is quite a different thing!

    I also very much enjoyed Enchantment she gave me so much to think about!

  7. Your sweater yoke is just beautiful, Jane. I love the colors and the design, and - best of all - that it fits and you're pleased! It's going to be a lovely sweater. We are having a bit of a "warm spell" here in Michigan right now -- not a typical winter at all. I'm enjoying some rare winter sunshine, which should last a day or two more before winter (sort of) returns. Have a lovely week, Jane.

  8. Your sweater is lovely. I made that sweater a few years ago and love the fit.

  9. The storybook sounds delightful, I’d love to see a copy.
    I’ve added the cowl to my list on Ravelry, it looks a nice knit.

  10. Your knitting is so lovely Jane, loving the shawl and the sweater. I’m happy that you have a little warmer weather and soon it will be spring!

  11. Eureka indeed! congratulations on the finished yoke ... that fits! I read True Biz last summer and learned so much - about ASL and Deaf culture/history.

  12. Sounds like you are having spring weather in February. I love the sweater you are making. I hope you have a good weekend!

  13. I love the color of that cowl! the birds are singing away in the mornings and the daffodils are sprouting (early but still). I like this weather!

  14. My knitting group meets at a local library where the librarian is a knitter. Every week she reads us a children's book about knitting, yarn, or something similar. I just sent her your description of The Mitten Tree, which I suspect she will order from another library to read to us.

  15. Hooray for your sweater fit!
    I'm thinking it feels like it's time for me to read Enchantment -- thank you for mentioning it here. Have you reader her book, The Electricity of Every Living Thing? I've only read Wintering. Which I liked, but I didn't love it like so many love it. (That's why I put off Enchantment -- there was so much talk about Wintering for so long, I needed to clear my ears! I don't like to read an author when there's a lot of 'buzz' going around, b/c I'm afraid it influences my response to the book. I think I'm ready, though!)
