Tuesday, January 4, 2022

A Cup of Kindness

The year is new and in a way, we begin again. This year I choose "kindness." I am weary of the bitterness, division, and rancor in public life but there is little to do to change it. What I can do is choose my response. So this year I choose kindness and its associated words: kind, kindle, kindling, kin, kindred. 

I begin with the origin of the word. The Old English, cynd, means origin, birth, race, family, kin. Germanic origin of kind meant natural, native, genteel, gentle, and gentry. Both the English and German words came from the Greek word or prefix gena or genesis meaning birth or beginning, thus the German word, kinder or child. The Sanskrit word for kind came from the prefix gn from the Greek. Maybe our ancestors learned kindness from their kin. 

A few years ago "random acts of kindness" were in vogue. While I think these acts are wonderful and in no way to be diminished, I am after a deeper kindness, a way of walking through the world. I am looking for kindness as a steady presence to what I encounter. This variety of kindness, at least for me, needs careful tending. 

The universe nudges me toward kindness. My daughter sent this little vase in my Christmas package. It goes nicely with my current journal. Until I have wildflowers it sits on my desk. I read this story of kindness in The Daily Good that I loved. Today I am thinking of two questions I heard or read recommended as a practice: "Is what I am about to do or say kind?" "Is it necessary?" So I look forward to this New Year with hope and kindness. Peace, joy, love, and light. 


  1. Great word choice and so appropriate for these times!

  2. Bravo to you, Jane! I think you will teach kindness a thing or two this year and I so look forward to seeing your journey together!

  3. Kindness. Perfect. Needed. yes!

  4. Hi Jane. I love this post! You might have read in one of my New Year's posts that my theme for this year is BE KIND! I'm with you about all the division within our society. I am trying to make a conscious effort to think the best about others and "assume something kind." It's something I am highly imperfect at and really need to work on. I truly appreciate this post. Hope your week is going well. See you again soon!

  5. Kindness is a lovely word choice and I especially like that you're including kindness along with its associated words. I hope your journal will be filled with words of kindnesses done and received, and your vase will remind us all to spread kindness.

  6. This is a lovely word, Jane. Timely, too. While it feels like there is nothing we can do to stop the public rancor, I think you've got the right idea here. Because starting your own "kindness ripple" will have an impact. And if more of us join you, the impact will grow. I look forward to following along with you this year. XO

  7. This is an excellent word and one that I already associate with you. In recent years, and especially since the start of the pandemic, I have been thinking a lot about kindness, specifically how it costs us nothing to be kind but can have such a huge impact. Perhaps we can all improve the world a little at a time if we just make more of an effort to spread kindness.

  8. So true. Spread your kindness! :)

  9. I just love this. Such a good word, concept, thought, etc. Wonderful.

  10. your new word fits you perfectly because I think you are such a kind person through and through. I like to notice kindness in the word and ponder. It's so easy to focus on the negative.

  11. Ohh, I really like your word choice -- and that you are including the associated words. I've been reading and meditating with Tara Brach. She talks a lot about being kind to ourselves, which is hard to do! Still, it's a good concept. She also points out that when we are kind to ourselves, we have more kindness for others. It reminds me of: Put on your own mask first. Good way to start the year.

  12. Happy I cou1d introduce you to PB2 on my 1i1 b1og

  13. Juliann (chasingmystories) recommended a book In Defense of Kindness, by Bruce Reyes-Chow (he's a Presbyterian pastor). Much of what he describes as kindness feels like love ... and I'm all in for more of that in all the places and relationships this year. What a great choice, Jane!
