Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Summer's Bounty

Hello Gentle Readers. A thunderstorm blew through in the wee hours of the morning. When I walked, rain drops hung from the petals of lavender hostas and soft yellow roses. I heard but didn't see a northern flicker. The neighbors' maple tree shows the barest hint of autumn color although I don't know if that is a sign of stress or the changing season. Last weekend, the temperatures were cool with just a hint of fall in the air. 

Wednesday is the day to link with Kat and the Unravelers to post about knitting and reading. Although the tomato harvest takes most of my time these days, I've done a little knitting here and there. I managed to knit to the sleeve split on the summer top. I plan to knit a couple of inches and check the fit again. In between and to give my hands a rest, I knit on the hitchhiker. It's a joy to knit the garter stitch in an easy pattern with variegated yarn. Sometimes it pays to hang on to deep stash. Bonny commented that the yarn made her think of sunlight on a creek. I often think of that image while I'm knitting on it.

I read Sipsworth by Simon Van Booy this week and throughly enjoyed it. The charming story is about recovering from grief and healing that comes from small kindnesses. There was a surprise (at least to me) turn in the middle of short novel. If you are looking for a sweet easy read, this one might be for you. 

Have a good week. I'm heading back to my regularly scheduled saucing, roasting, and freezing. 


  1. I loved Sipsworth! And I found some lovely, fresh tomatoes to make a mozzarella and basil salad. I think I need to cast on a shawl - it has been ages since I knit a shawl. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Your photos in this post just keep getting better and better! The summer top is a lovely shade; your Hitchhiker is growing and now I'm imagining stepping stones in the creek in your rows of yarn overs, and I don't know if I've ever seen such a big batch of red-ripe tomatoes. Have fun preserving the taste of summer for the winter.

  3. Wow! What a wonderful bounty of tomatoes. YUM!!! Your sweater is so pretty and looks very delicate. Your Hitchhiker indeed looks like a stream -cool and refreshing. I'm in the queue for Sipsworth at my library, but am now engrossed in The Ministry of Time for our Read With Us discussion coming up soon.

  4. Hi Jane! Wow, your tomatoes are gorgeous. I am still waiting on mine ro ripen and I am getting a bit impatient! I will look into getting a copy of Sipsworth. Sounds like just what I need right now with the stress of another school year beginning. It's always nice to see what you are up to! See you again soon.

  5. We are going to have to start calling you the Tomato Lady with that harvest! Your projects are looking very nice, and I'm happy to hear your good review of Sipsworth. I have it on hold at the library but might have to wait a while yet.

  6. Oh my... that last photo! I am having all kinds of tomato envy here! Your Hitchhiker though... it is both a delight to the eyes and I know it is a delight to knit! I thought Sipsworth was a delight! Just a delight! (and that turn was just perfection... just perfection!)

  7. Such . . . abundance! What a lovely post, Jane. The knitting is fabulous -- but Those Tomatoes! Oh, my mouth just waters . . . (but I do shudder at all the work of harvesting and preserving). I, too, loved Sipsworth. It was such a comforting story - with a message we all can take to heart.

  8. Oh Jane, a thunderstorm!! we haven't had one since July and your words make me realize I'm not only missing the drama, I need the relief that follows ... Your knitting is lovely. and your tomato harvest is !!!!! Marc has 8 plants, all different varieties, and our weekly harvest was pretty manageable (a pasta-bowl full) over the last two months. We are now getting a handful every other day. How many plants do y'all have?

  9. that books sounds like a fun read. We had some bits of drops of drizzle and supposedly we are to get 'rain' tonight. I do hope so, my husband planted grass seed!!

  10. Your tomato crop is amazing! A woodchuck cleaned our out!
