Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Rose Tinted Knitting

Hello Gentle Readers. Here in southeast Nebraska, we are experiencing bitter cold temperatures. As I write on Tuesday, the sky is overcast but bright and there are a very few snowflakes in the air. The downy woodpeckers, a red bellied woodpecker, some finches, and sparrows fly to and from the feeders. Earlier, as I made a cup of tea, three blue jays flew into a tree visible from my kitchen window. I haven't seen the cardinals but no doubt they are around. The birds are a good predictor of the approaching winter storm. We could use some snow.

Wednesday is the day to link with Kat and the Unravelers. I haven't done any unraveling - yet. A few years ago, I vowed I wasn't going to knit projects just to use up yarn but rather to knit what I enjoyed. Last night the color combination in the scrappy Habitation Throw looked garish to me. I need to see it in the light of day before deciding whether or not to continue. 

I find joy in knitting with handspun so I cast on this scarf. Just for fun, I pulled out an old pair of straight needles. I have a few from my Grandmother and also some that were mine. I wouldn't knit with them all the time but I'm enjoying the scarf on these rose colored needles. Rose- tinted knitting needles - someone has to do it. Right? I also cast on a pair of mitts. I wanted to try this indie naturally dyed yarn.  

Late last week, I plied a second skein of some BFL fiber ordered last February. This skein contains 257 yards of sport weight yarn. The first skein contains 215 yards. I still have another 4 oz of this fiber to spin. Eventually I'll have a nice bit of yarn.

As for reading, I am rereading A Year of Marvellous Ways by Sarah Winman. I needed a comfort read. I also enjoy reading novels that feature older remarkable women. Marvellous Ways is one strong, kind, generous woman. The story is about kindness and love. I also finished The Asking: New and Selected Poems by Jane Hirshfield. If you enjoy poetry, this is a wonderful anthology of Hirshfield's work. Reading the work of a poet, from early to much later dates of publication interests me. It's a fascinating glance at the way the poet and her writing change over time. 

I'm off to make another cup of ginger-tumeric tea to help tame some Covid related inflammation in my mouth. It's interesting how stress affects the vulnerable systems of the body. I'm also going to pick up my rose tinted knitting needles and find some bits of joy in this winter day. 


  1. Knitting with handspun with a cup of hot tea nearby sounds like the perfect way to spend a cold winter afternoon! It's so interesting to me how COVID manifests itself so differently from one person to the other. I never lost my sense of taste or smell and never had a fever, but my whole body hurt.

  2. Jane, you do paint a charming picture for us with your words and photos. I like hearing about your birds and weather, especially because your weather usually arrives here in 2 or 3 days. Your rose-tinted knitting, needles, and handspun are all lovely. I am craving some comfort reading so I may join Marvellous in her world. Take good care.

  3. I also have that Mindfulness in Knitting on my shelf. Your posts always feel like a brief little pause and meditation for me.

  4. rose-tinted yarn on rose-tinted needles is a lovely combination! Enjoy your time with Marvellous - another visit does sound delightful.

  5. Those rose tinted needles are so pretty! I have so many straight needles (some from when I first learned to knit, some from my Mom and some from my Aunt), but I rarely use them. I'm so used to using either a long circular needle for shawls and scarves or DPNs for smaller things. Thanks for the reminder about Marvelous Ways. I've been meaning to read that. I hope you are feeling better.

  6. I am with you on comfort reads right now... There are Rivers in the Sky was that for me... and brilliantly so! But your reminder of Sarah Winman's tender writing... yes, yes! I am in need of some of that as well! (And I so loved Marvellous as well!) Comfort knitting with rose-tinted needles... exactly what EZ would order!

  7. Rose-tinted knitting! I love it all! I learned to knit on straight needles (I actually don't think circular needles were even invented yet???), and every once I love the nostalgia of getting a pair out and knitting . . . something . . . with them. I do prefer the circulars these days, but it's fun to mix it up now and then. I am currently looking for a comfort-knit myself. I think I'll follow your lead and seek out yarn that I love to look at -- and that feels luxurious, too. Thanks for your inspiration this morning, Jane. XO

  8. your knitting is very valentine-d themed - beautiful!! I might need to add some rose colored knitting into my life.

  9. Your "rosey"" projects are perfect for this time of year. Bring on the spring!
