Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Hello April

Hello Gentle Readers. Here, April begins with cloudy cool days and blustery winds. The tulips in the neighborhood bloom, though the flowers are tightly closed against the cool days. I often walk past a small draw with old trees. Saturday the sun came out and the birds were celebrating so I turned on Sound ID in the Merlin App. A few minutes later I heard a meadowlark. I know that five note melody by heart.  Meadowlarks prefer the open countryside and I've never heard one in town.  I couldn't see him but Merlin also identified the call so I wasn't imagining things. 

Today is Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and friends.  Around the middle of March, I pulled together fabrics for a table runner. In between the sweater sleeves, I've done some applique´.  When the applique´ is finished, I may embellish the top with embroidery or quilt a few stars into the background. Right now it looks rather stark to me.  

I am on the home stretch with my winter sweater. The first sleeve is finished and I am knitting the second one. I've enjoyed the project but will be happy to be done. This last sleeve feels like a bit of a slog so I hope to finish it this week. 

I am spinning a braid of BFL/Silk. The colors remind me of the irises and lilacs that will bloom soon. I split the braid and am spinning two halves end to end. I have no plan except to enjoy the colors and the fiber. The first two smaller bumps are now on the first bobbin and I have just begun the second. 

This week I'm reading two lighter novels. I'm listening to The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods. The novel with two storylines and many literary references is set Ireland. It contains magical realism and at times is a little unbelievable. As in, one heroine, trying to escape her dominating brother and a forced marriage, is befriended by James Joyce. I'm not too far into the story but enjoying it. I was in the library picking up a hold and saw The Lantern's Dance, #18 in the Mary Russell, Sherlock Holmes series, by Laurie R. King so I brought it home. It's hard to resist a new book about familiar characters. I like Russell with her bent toward scholarship, her determination, and her view of women's roles.  

Oh my goodness, the wind blew away the clouds and for the moment, the sun is shining. Today feels like March but the green in the landscape, including weeds, says April. It's time to get to work on the ever-present Creeping Charley. 

What does April look like in your area?


  1. You are getting *so* close to finishing that sweater! I can't wait to see it on you.

    We have entered April with rain -- and lots of it. There have been flash flood alerts and I saw some potholes opening up when I went to pick up my daughter at school yesterday. I certainly hope all this rain translates into lots of flowers!

    I also wanted to mention that "The Napping House" is a favorite in my family. I read it as a child and read it to my daughter when she was little.

  2. April here looks like lots of rain and wind and we have another day of it tomorrow. We also loved The Napping House and all the books by the Woods. I'm excited that you heard a meadowlark and your table runner is also exciting. I think it will be lovely with some stars in the background. Your sweater will soon be done and I love your springy spinning!

  3. Like Bonny and Sarah, we are in the monsoon rains, or so it seems. Days and days and days of rain and wind too. And temps hovering just at 40. It feels cold outside. I do like your runner (anything moon I like). Some stars in the background could be a nice addition. Mostly I want to see you modeling your sweater! I've never heard of "The Napping House" but given the fact that I love to nap daily, I'm going to go see what it is about!

  4. Your sweater is just lovely. You have a great eye for color. Can't wait to see what (if) you do to the tablerunner. We have had a lot of rain the last couple of days...tis the season.

  5. I also noted The Napping House! It was a HUGE favorite in my house as well! Thank you for the delight of those unexpected memories bubbling to the surface!

    Your sweater is looking amazing! May that last sleeve finish quickly! We have gotten the Mother Lode of Rains here... and if that was not enough snow is in the forecast... so still lots of sweater wearing time yet this spring!

  6. I loved hearing the meadowlarks when I lived in Wyoming! Such a distinct call. (I'm hearing it in my head right now. . . ) Your sweater looks wonderful, Jane, but I know just how that last-sleeve-slog feels! I'm sure you're eager to wrap things up and get on to something fresh and new to knit. Happy spring. XO

  7. I love your moon appliqué. I have been thinking a lot about a new appliqué for my spring stitching.

  8. the lost bookshop sounds good! I like light reading sometimes. The Merlin app is the best thing ever, I enjoy seeing what I'm hearing and learning the birds.

  9. I haven’t heard Meadowlarks in many years. Your applique piece looks great and so does your sweater. I almost picked up the first book in the Sherlock Holmes series by Mary Russell, it looks like a great series.

  10. April looks like vinca that match your fiber perfectly! also warmer days, chilly mornings, pollen, thinking about skirts & shorts, and BASEBALL! Sending up all the good sweater knitting vibes that the sleeves go quickly, the sweater fits, and that you have ONE day to wear it before the weather gets too warm :-)
