Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Making Memories

Hello Gentle Readers. We are recently home from a wonderful visit with our daughter, son-in-law, and family. We tagged along to all the things, including baseball games, the swimming pool, a gymnastics class, doughnuts, and church. Jonah and Norah and I blew bubbles almost every morning. 

Instead of bringing gifts, we take them to the local independent bookstore to pick out a book. It's fun to see what they choose each time we visit. Micah and I are going to have a buddy read this summer. We made a list.  

All four kids have a journal that they write in and decorate with stickers and drawings. Just for fun I had Jonah and Norah draw in my journal. Next time I hope to snag the two older ones also. The blue hydrangeas growing all around the community were a treat, so Norah drew one for me. Jonah drew a baseball field, appropriate given we attended five games, several on the weekend of the heat dome. On the dining room table, Kate has a tray that holds odds and ends and sometimes a seasonal decoration. Right now it contains baseballs the kids have picked up at major and minor league games. 

Most of my making these past weeks has been about making and savoring memories. Since it is Wednesday, I have a little knitting to show. I finished the pumpkin hats the day before the baby shower. That afternoon, I bought an iced latte and sat down with a podcast and the last hat. It was down to the wire but the hats and board books were well received. 

My travel knitting was a new pair of socks. I opted for my vanilla sock pattern. I can knit the body of the sock in a broken rib of Knit 4, Purl 2 without a pattern. Honestly my knitting is a little "meh" these days. The shawl is too hot to have in my lap. The other pair of socks languish in a bag. 

As for books, I reread In Falling Snow by Mary-Rose MacColl, an Australian novelist and published in 2012. This historical fiction toggles between modern day Australia and a World War One hospital in France. Iris, the main character, is at the end of her life. She receives an invitation to a reunion of the women who organized and ran Royaumont, a Scottish Women's Hospital on the western front in France where she worked as a nurse. And so begins her reflection on her years during the war. World War One was an exercise in brutality so it is a sad story but Royaumont and the Scottish Women's Hospital was a real place and a remarkable bit of history. I like historical fiction and strong women characters so will keep this book on my shelf.  

While in Connecticut, I read The Memory of Lavender and Sage by Aimie K. Runyan. This novel is a light summer read. I confess to choosing the book based on the cover. Bonny and I had a short exchange about book covers recently. Here is a link she sent me about book covers if you want to read more. Most of the novel is set in rural Provence. The descriptions of the village, as well as the herbs grown and used by the main character are lovely. Although the writing isn't the smoothest, I appreciated the development of two characters who changed for the better. An elderly gentleman who was rather unkind to the main character, actually apologized and mended his ways. Imagine such a thing. 

Finally, today is Kate's birthday. She is a remarkable woman, a physical therapist, an amazing athlete, a wonderful wife, mother, sister, and every thing we could ask for in a daughter. While I abhor the barrage of personal fireworks that has become the custom, I do have a wonderful memory of watching fireworks outside my hospital room window with her tucked into the crook of my arm. Happy Birthday Kate!

I hope all is well and you are enjoying a respite from the heat of late June. 


  1. I suspected you were off visiting the grands when you hadn't posted for a while -- glad to hear it was another wonderful trip! They're going to have such great memories when they grow up of all the time they spent with their grandkids, not something everyone gets to have. And happy birthday to your daughter! I'm sure that the fireworks that were set off the day she was born felt like they were to celebrate her birth!

  2. Hi Jane! Welcome back to blogland! Happy birthday to your daughter. I can hear the pride in your voice as you describe her. Isn't it great when we can be truly, genuinely proud of our children and the human beings they have become?! So glad you had a nice visit with the grands. I love the idea of taking them to a bookstore to select a book. What a great idea! I hope you and yours have a great 4th of July and that you enjoy the rest of the summer!

  3. Happy Birthday to Kate!! Sounds like you had a wonderful visit (again). I love that you take the kids to a bookstore and let them pick out a book when you visit. I also love that Jonah and Norah added to your journal - what a wonderful remembrance that is. Norah looks like she is getting tall!!

  4. What a terrific visit you had! I'm so glad you make the effort to travel, spend time with your grandchildren, and make memories. Some of my fondest memories are of the time I spent with my grandparents in the summers and almost everything I know about cooking and making started with my grandmother. The Memory of Lavender and Sage does have a wonderful cover and I can almost smell it. I'm off to look for a copy. Happy Birthday to your wonderful daughter Kate!

  5. What a delightful visit, Jane! (and Happy Birthday to your daughter!) I love that you have a buddy read planned! But the best are the memories you made on your trip!

  6. Jane so nice to have you back in action. Sounds like a wonderful memory making trip. I love that you had the kids write in your journal and did all of the things. They will cherish the memories forever. Love your vanilla socks.

  7. Happy birthday to your daughter. I am so glad you had fun with your family and I love the idea of taking them to a bookstore to buy a gift, I might just steal that as they age out of fun little toys (which will be soon I assume). I missed you but I'm glad you were doing something that fills the soul!!

  8. I love that you had the kids draw in your journal!

  9. welcome back!! glad you got some cooler weather once you got home - and just look at all the memories you made! (also, a July 3 baby sounds... HOT!)
