Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Bind-off Success

Hello on this bright February day. This week's high temperatures are near fifty degrees, warm for early February. A few bright days do lift the spirits. I ran errands yesterday and everyone seemed less grumpy. While walking on Monday, I heard a flock of geese fly overhead and looked up to the familiar V-shape. Likely they were urban wildfowl flying between ponds in the city but their voices remind me the Spring migrations will soon begin if they are not already underway. 

Let's get onto the knitting with Kat and the other Unravelers. I'm knitting away on the same projects but that is my way. This sweater might not be worn until next year, still slow and steady means a finish. Thank you for all the suggestions regarding bind-offs. I tried the Icelandic and the HiyaHiya Grandma's Stretchy Bind-off on the 3 x 1 rib and still had a sloppy mess. Over the weekend, I frogged the ribbing and reknit it in K1 P1 pattern. Then I tried the bind-off's again. Eventually I used the HiyaHiya Grandma's Stretchy Bind-off with good results. I considered the tubular bind-off or the Italian bind-off but thought maybe the texture in this yarn might affect the results. Thank goodness for my blogging friends and for video tutorials. Now I'm onto the first sleeve. 

After knitting all these years, I had an a-ha moment. The kind of ribbing affects the bind-off. Other factors also play into the finished look. I'm using a template pattern from Ann Budd's The Knitter's Handy Book of Top-Down Sweaters where no particular bind-off is suggested. I just opted for a 3 x 1 rib because I like the look of it and gave no thought to binding off. It's never too late to learn something new. 

I've also been working on the handspun scarf. I'm fantasy knitting new projects in my head but am working away at these two projects. After finishing socks, I cast on a child's hat so I have a small mindless project for spare moments. When I tossed the stash in January, I pulled together a bag of DK weight leftovers for hats, most likely to be donated. 

As for reading, I'm almost done with The Night Watchman and looking forward to the discussion of this novel with the Erdrich Along group. When I began, I wondered how the story lines would come together and of course they do. Erdrich accomplishes this with great skill. I'm skimming/rereading Rules of Civility as it is my local group's book selection for the month. It's certainly readable but Louise Erdrich's work is a hard act to follow. I'm listening to Fight Night by Miriam Toews. I love the relationship between the irreverent loving grandmother and the granddaughter who has been expelled from school for fighting with classmates. I find myself smiling, nodding, and laughing out loud at this story. It's also nice to listen or read a novel with strong women characters, including an elderly one. 

Wherever you are, I hope the sun shines down on you this week.  

(Sorry about the spacing in several paragraphs. It happens when I move photos around.)

Ravelry Links

Striped Pullover

Handpsun Scarf


  1. Your ribbing does look neat and tidy, so all of your experimentation and re-knitting were worthwhile. I rarely think about binding off, but Hitchhikers don't require anything special. It is good to learn something new! The scarf is very pretty and allows time for fantasy knitting in your head. I knew what you were talking about as I've been doing plenty of fantasy knitting while working on my Sophie shawl. Fight Night sounds intriguing, so I'm off to check the library.

  2. Both of your projects are just so pretty Jane. And, again, I am so impressed with your spinning and then knitting from what you've spun - you have not been doing it all that long! Fight Night does sound good. I checked and I can get it from my library...I have not yet requested as I just picked up 4 other books today. the sun is out here and it is warmer than usual - a gift!

  3. YAY I'm so glad you found a solution to your bind-off ... and I had another thought about that 3x1 rib (like you, I do love a less "ribbier" look sometimes) ... I've had good success knitting round of plain stockinette after all the ribbing and then binding off the whole thing knitwise, or purlwise. It's not very stretchy, but it is tidy - and 3x1 rib isn't really that stretchy either! I finished The Night Watchman this morning - Erdrich is, quite simply, a masterful story teller!

  4. It’s nice to have a variety of cast-on and bind-off techniques in your knitting skill set. Today was sunny but chilly, thanks to a brisk wind. The snow and ice are melting though.

  5. Your bind-off looks perfect to me! When in doubt, I always bind off in pattern with any sort of ribbing, as I find it helps to keep the BO stretchy, but sometimes that's not the neatest finish. The internet is such a wonderful resource when it comes to things like this, and I'm so glad that even after decades of knitting, I can still learn new tricks.

  6. Nicely done on that bindoff, Jane! And I am off to find this Toews book! Thank you!

  7. I have used the Grandma's Stretchy Bind Off in the past with great success. Your ribbing looks great! ( And, my goodness, I hope to be using it again soon on my own sweater! ;-)) Your sweater is just lovely, Jane. Now . . . just the sleeves. I had Fight Night checked out from the library recently, but had to return it before I had a chance to read it. You've just reminded me to get it back on my hold list! Here's to a quick visit to Sleeve Island! XO

  8. I hope your warm stretch continues for a bit. We're also looking at some slightly warmer weather this weekend which means melting and mud. Oh well -- the February melt (and refreeze) is inevitable!

    I am impressed with your persistence in finding the perfect bind-off. It looks lovely and I hope your sweater gets a lot of wear. I'm hoping to be able to pick up The Night Watchman at the library soon. I cannot wait to read it! So happy to see that you enjoyed it.

  9. your hand-spun is beautiful!!! I love to experiment with different bind offs for different projects but tend to rely on the same ones..
